The "far right" according to the extremist left, page-2

  1. 685 Posts.
    A right-wing populist and Italian nationalism, her political positions have been described as far right. She is opposed to abortions, euthanasia, and to partnerships, marriages, and parenting by same-sex couples, instead asserting that nuclear families are exclusively headed by male-female pairs. Opposed to the reception of non-European migrants and multiculturalism, she has been accused of xenophobia and Islamophobia. A supporter of NATO, she maintains Eurosceptic views regarding the European Union and was in favour of better relations with Russia before the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine which she condemned, pledging to keep sending arms to Ukraine. She has expressed controversial views, such as praising Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in 1996, and Giorgio Almirante in 2020, a Nazi collaborator and co-founder of MSI.

    All that sounds quite sensible to Hingdog. Go figure.
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