Watching this special "Writers" episode last night, under...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Watching this special "Writers" episode last night, under duress, bribed (with chocs) from another - it was totally clear to me that these programs are. each week, carefully choreographed in advance to be totally PRO LABOR. An allegation I've made many times.
    I allege it again. Stalwarts of the Left well in evidence last night - including Thomas Keneally - who doesn't give replies - he gives rambling hate-filled anti-Right (MArxist?)long-winded recitations.

    Last night, almost ALL questions were pro-Leftist. That they are pre-prepared, and, allegedly, already KNOWN to those of the panel to whom they're directed, became evident last night - when Tara Moss took a question from an audience member about HER reaction to, and opinions of, the events relevant to the recent mass murder shooting episode in the United States.

    Now, Ms. Moss sat there taking this so-called "impromptu, spontaneous? question" - yet, in answering it - she had in front of her, to hand, a full wad of written, material giving close detail to her of what had happened, who the perpetrator was, etc. which she proceeded t refer to, and read out! Nothing spontaneous here - she'd so obviously been -pre-warned and pre-prepared! This alone, is an absolute disgrace. Meaning, to me - the whole question from audience set-up is, allegedly, totally rigged! And so, probably, are the Tweets - and the video questions too.
    I hate being taken for a fool, don't you?

    Then we had a woman asking an anti-Liberals question - during which she referred to Joe Hockey as "Joe-Liar"! Jones, as a moderator should have, did not pull her up on this - giving his approval by his silence to what she said -
    disgracefully biased so-called "moderation" from, him, as usual.

    we had the usual FOUR Leftists to two not so Left - on the panel (I included Jones in the four).

    And I again repeat my constant allegation - this audience is well stacked, ahead, via the auspices of (Bill Shorten's) "Get Up" entity.

    Lastly, I observe yet again - do these people think we're all of us utterly STUPID?

    The % breakdown at the start 37% audience Labor 37% LNP - 15% Green - all I can say is that the Right must be poor at applauding - because the applause (and yellings) are all, ALWAYS, each show, totally well in favor of anything LEFT!

    Tony Jones - his salary over $420,00 a year? (I stand to be corrected). To produce this Leftist propaganda - week in week out. Add his wife's remuneration for 7.30 - gosh, their pantry would be full of goodies!

    Costing a total of what - for us, the taxpayers, footing the bill. Must be close to a $Mill?

    Surely in this event, we have the right to demand at least some decent political even-handedness!

    But no, the Leftist majority panel processions are dished up - week in- week out. Without even a blush.
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