I really don't understand how in a modern age people as so...

  1. 6,815 Posts.
    I really don't understand how in a modern age people as so willing to abandon themselves to such beliefs. They are trying to change the toilet habits of Indians who defecate in the open. The biggest problem they have is that the people believe that witches live down the hole in the toilet and refuse to use them.
    Islamic martyrs are given 72 virgins.
    Humans have existed for only 6,000 years.
    Evolution in some form is a scientific con job.
    The earth was flooded to the tops of the highest mountains in the time of Noah.
    Noah and his 3 sons produced the earth's present population.
    The Holy Ghost appears on stage with Benny Hinn.
    Churches are being showered with gold dust now since Joshua Mills invented his little gimmick.
    Jesus appeared on a wall at a Benny Hinn gathering.

    The planet is suffering an epidemic of terminal superstition and stupidity.

    The stupidity of humans knows no bounds and the greatest concentrations of stupidity are gathered within religions. The only thing that has made this world modern and effected real change is science, without which we would be as superstitious and backward as we ever were.

    Humans are such a conundrum. One group takes us to the moon and another group as outlined above have risen barely about their troglodyte ancestors if at all.
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