The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization (Charles Hugh Smith), page-2

  1. 22,288 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    We should be worrying about our own RBA Gig & not what Titanic USA is doing or not doing. $23 trillion USD ($32 Trillion in our Peso) US debt
    & increasing at almost $1 Trillion a year is an absurd mountain of debt and spells the end of the USA Global Empire, IMO. Another 2008
    will put an end to Uncle Sam, IMO, and gurus are predicting a serious Recession within a few years (the economic cycle magnified)

    We simply have to reduce our debt, diversify trade so that we are not dependant on China & clear our Commonwealth, State & Municipal debt
    (All $1 Trillion of it) by taxing our resources properly while we can , compelling Multinationals to pay Aussie Tax. Its easy if we try!.

    As China gains power, we wont have the perogative of increasing taxes or compelling multinatinals to pay Aussie tax in say a decade; the Chinese will skim global profits by then and relegate us to debtor nation status while the good old USA will be too busy at home staving off bankrupsy
    to worry about Aus.
    All IMO only and those who are religious should pray to God for Aussie salvation; that is if you are not willing to support an economically independant & prosperous Australia now.

    The average Aussie has been left behind while Multinationals have owned our country by stealth since the 1960s and that is why Trump style populism is on the move here. Our billionaire elite have already flogged Australia to to highest foreign bidder and like mugs, we look up to them as our heroes.
    What are we?
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