Re- who wins. I wouldn't be calling it a win or loss yet, just a part of the ongoing game. Surely the outcome of the vote was known in advance, being only 5 people?? Yet the short positions by the big banks have been dropping, didn't last month drop by 13-14%. But maybe those transferred to foreign banks?
Anyway, I think the most important issue in the game is the physical supply. Consider the gigantic surge in silver coin purchases in the first 12days of this year, whereas that demand equalled 9months of last year. To me that just says the bullion is drying up, and large investors are paying the premium for the coins, as they know it's better to be in, holding physical, than not. So maybe it matters not about position limits, as the comex and lbma have much bigger issues at hand, like how do they even get silver to fill contracts, they can't keep paying 20% markup for not delivering.