Is the state adopting the Marxist ideological position that...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    Is the state adopting the Marxist ideological position that religion is the opium of the people?

    "Sky News host James Macpherson says today Christianity is “increasingly regarded by the state as harmful”.Mr Macpherson said anyone who still believes the state is neutral is “obviously not paying attention” because the state has “values, ethics and core beliefs" [religion the opium of the people].

    “The state enforces its belief upon everybody including religious institutions,” Mr Macpherson said.“There was a time many decades ago when Christianity was regarded as a public good – “Then it was sort of neutral – these days it is increasingly regarded by the states as harmful.“ There will come a day when it's regarded as dangerous.”

    Conclusion: If the country wants Christianity to be viewed as a public good again then we have all to become libertarians and abolish the state. Alternatively, we will have to bring back Rupert Murdoch and crown him as our king and protector of Christianity.
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