The fuse has been lit in Sydney, page-123

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The bigots here remind me what the Greeks went through in Melbourne for a few generations. Of course now they are part of our national identity and in time the Muslims will as well.

    In my humble opinion...I don't believe we have ever witnessed what we are witnessing today...we are not talking about a race of people here...we are really talking about a religion or a belief that is poles apart from what the world has grown up with. We rub shoulders daily with Catholics, Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Jews, and many other faiths, but none so volatile as the Islamic or Muslim faith.
    This religion or belief seems to breed a hatred for anybody anywhere that dares defy that belief. If any person does not take the religious person seriously and were to make fun of that belief they are quite likely to end up dead.

    In the past we poked fun at the Greeks or Italians, but they didn't ever retaliate with death threats. The odd bully might have dished out a blood nose but that was the end of it. No body blew themselves up to take out some disbelievers or to draw attention to their cause, or murder and rape innocent people of their same race. We did see the protestants and the Catholics at each others throats for a while but that was very localised, not a hatred on a world wide scale that we now see.

    Our Government needs to take action now, this insidious cancer needs to be stopped. Let the people who feel the need to kill others in order to prove themselves live in their own part of the world, we do not need their violence and hatred here.
    We can only look to our elected Government to take action on our behalf and take the threat to our national security seriously.
    The previous Government opened our borders and allowed thousands of people to stream in without screening, without any identification. A positively dangerous and stupidly careless move that should never have been allowed to take place! Many members of that previous administration still don't believe there is a threat, they laugh at those that take the threat to our safety and security seriously.

    I for one am so glad we have a Prime Minister fully prepared to do things that are not popular with the bleeding heart society minority to ensure the safety of my children and their children and their children.

    I remember so well the story of the Trojan Horse, it was wheeled through the open gates into the middle of the city and allowed the enemy soldiers to infiltrate and take the city by surprise.
    I believe the Trojan Horse is in our midst now...
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