Reading comprehension might be down across the nation but we...

  1. 99 Posts.
    Reading comprehension might be down across the nation but we MUST read and digest what this means for us. Any ideology that creates a situation where half the adult population is restricted on the basis of gender to the status of idiot child requiring extreme direction and continual chaperoning (in case girl germs infect some hapless male passing by, maddening him with lust) is setting itself up to always be a second grade society.

    Other items that may interest you:
    Land that a mosque is built on may not be used for any other purpose ever again. Ever. Even if it is disused.
    Woman are considered property; the same as a sheep, goat or car. Disposal and usage of said property is at the discretion of the man. Read the books by Wafa Sultan, watch the youtube videos and read the books by Brigette **riel and ask yourself it you would be willing for your daughter to be caught up in an ideology that requires a woman to lick the products of a man's nose if he wants her to do so (Reference: A God who Hates Page 139 by Wafa Sultan). And if she is not willing - to beat her as much as he likes.

    If I am fomenting unease and possibly (shudder) discussion because as an Australian woman I don't want this in our land then good on me. I feel passionately that if you emigrate to a country, you embrace what that country offers. You maintain your cultural heritage as well as moving forward. Islam is an all embracing ideology about raiding and looting that comes straight from the 7th century. Read the Closed Circle by David Pryce-Jones. Understand that to take advantage of the generosity of an enemy is considered clever and to deceive is expected. Then think about all the immigrants who say they can't find work and who are on the welfare system. Sorry but I am pretty mad today about all these war mongering young men who should be contributing to the land they live in rather than trying to destroy the good things.
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