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morning all,well after what I would call an almost deafening...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    morning all,

    well after what I would call an almost deafening silence of ideas on my last post (except for pug who suggested diverting wealth into hard wheat and rice - pug might be right, but it is rather impractical) -

    and after I have received the same deafening silence after asking for ideas in a few other threads over a year or so on the same subject - I have to come to this conclusion.

    There is no clear answer as to where one would redistribute wealth to if fiat currencies fall over along with a major top in pm's and a stock market crash etc..

    What will in fact happen is what exactly has happened in all countries where existing forms of wealth have been stripped away by either a stroke of law or force - the wealth will be transferred to where it is possible at the time - in other words - whatever is tradeable.

    If one looks at some of those countries at the time - I have had the privilege to see a few ex soviet places - well, guess what?
    You still see an economy going on - just as it always has done since man came down from the trees.

    People who prosper in general are more than likely to be the one's who prosper in a change of condition. This is most likely because prosperous people are less scared of change than poorer people and also have vastly different beliefs.

    In other words - game is never really up - only the rules change.

    Sorry, all the people who call for the end of the world have got it wrong.

    The end of the world has been called that many times in my life it is positively boring. Also, hanging around people who continually call it is the most destructive thing imo one can do for one's self.

    One thing I have continually noticed is that people who are doomsdayers and end of the worlders etc. - are POOR - almost never do you meet a pessimist who is rich (rich in anything).

    They sit around bemoaning the state of the world and how it will end - and then they go about confirming their beliefs.

    Without this dark cloud that hovers around them like a hatch of bugs - they would mostly be in fact rather nice people to hang out with - unfortunately their darkness makes that impossible.

    If they wish to think the world is coming to an end - so be it. Any study of the past, however, tells us a different story. It tells us how yes there are setbacks - but they are always temporary - life goes on so to speak.

    It does tell us valuable lessons - but they must be taken in context.

    It also tells us that some of our present realities are based on false beliefs.

    It tells us that pm's are the flavour of the month at times - but other times not.

    It tells us that country property is flavour of the month when you have a major depression and that you could well starve in a city - but in other times then you can make fortunes in cities whilst country bumpkins merely scratch a living.

    It also tells us that there is a time to be in stocks for growth but there is a lot of advantage in being in income stocks at other times - whether or not you need that income.

    What it also tells us is that there is ALWAYS choice, there is always economy and there is always opportunity.

    If I look at how the market (stock) has reacted to the last couple of decades of crises - then I have to say that crises brings the most amazing array of opportunities - EVERY time.

    Humans have the wonderful habit of throwing the baby out with the bath water. So whilst the doomsdayers are heading to their bunkers and loading magazines and whilst the conservatives are heading for cash - it is a fine time to be waiting below the bathroom window for that baby to drop.

    Great solid dividend paying stocks are allowed to haemorrhage away along with the speccieist of speccies in those times.

    Those dreadful solid dividend paying stocks that gamblers think are a waste of time - can be picked up for a song - and invariably over the next year or two often pay for themselves in dividends alone - and then continue to pay out for many many years.

    I think in the lead up to and during crisis, we indeed have a great deal to thank for doomsdayers and the press - who both continually look for ever exciting ways for us to be convinced that the end of the world is nigh.

    Have a great easter


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