The Holy Spirit IS Jesus's father and those of God know that...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The Holy Spirit IS Jesus's father and those of God know that Jesus has one father.

    Paul defines the Father as God, the Father that Jesus independently of himself, references as the only true God when he was here.
    So Paul references this God here as dwelling in our Temple and he also says the Holy Spirit dwells in our temple = Paul is interchanging both terms BECAUSE they are one in the same.
    Paul is NOT saying the likes of 2 persons dwelling in you there.

    God the trinity (non existent) is NOT singular as Yehowah the Father is, Yehowah is NOT 3 persons or beings, but one being The Holy Spirit.
    John 16:14 - He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Now let me Fink lol, I wonder who that was that glorified Jesus, ummm, hmmm, Oh that's right it was the Father, this following one.
    John 6:45 - It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.
    Lo - Behold, here he is again -> Isa 54:13 - Then all your sons will be taught by Yehowah (Father), and great will be their prosperity.
    John 14:26 - But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

    Oh that's right, the Bible says something like, if you lie to the Holy Spirit you lie to the God and Father, hmmm, does this created Holy Spirit person run off and dob you in to the God and Father tongue.png
    Nar silly, they are one in the same.
    Trinity is a singular God you say -> all through the OT God has been trying to make himself known, he would have known full well that all thought he was a singular person or being as Father, if he was 3 persons, they certainly couldn't have gotten to know him.
    Therefore, according to you, they would have been worshiping another God and you're going to try and tell me, the God wouldn't have let the likes of Abraham, Moses and Co know this, now seriously, surely you wouldn't swallow that crazy notion, considering the efforts God went to, to be known.
    Show me a verse that you are to worship a Holy Spirit person.
    Show me a verse that says you need to know a Holy Spirit person for eternal life.
    If one existed, you cannot tell me that these verses wouldn't exist and keep a straight face.
    "One simple example at Jesus baptism, the 3 were there, Jesus in the river, the Father speaking, and the Holy Spirit as a dove"

    The Son OF God, the 2nd Adam Man, yes he was there and after the cross, glorified etc he Became a Begotten God, confirming his words in John 17:3, that he wasn't a God before the cross etc.

    God IS Spirit and not 'a' Spirit which would likely have limitations.
    Hence, he can be anywhere and everywhere, to what ever measure he choses, but still deemed as in heaven.
    The Holy Spirit matter at the Baptism, was a sign for John the Baptist.
    WOW, does that mean we all become God

    "As per normal it's you that comes to that conclusion for some particular reason or another, it's the way you operate feeding verses in order to make them say to suite, the bible was not written writhin this mindset, neither is it supposed to be read in the same way"

    Fair crack of the whip ppm, my comment, conclusion, is based on none other that YOUR words, you claim that I and the Father are one, supports Jesus claiming to be God or at least one of a three person God.
    You cannot flip and change that thinking when it suits your fancy, as Kam would say LOL.
    John 17:20-24 is CLEARLY Jesus's interpretation of John 10:30, and that interpretation is NOTHING like what you and others claim on 10:30 and it's so clear and obvious that it goes without saying, those of God.
    In short they are one in Unity, by word just as Jesus Clearly states in 17:20 -> "by their word" ......"so that" -> they become one as we are one.

    God and The Man Jesus in Unity.

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