[FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#212121] the being in the bosom of the Father (RHS), He has made him known.
[B][SIZE=14px]So, one can clearly become a Begotten God BECAUSE the Bible says so and he is seated at the RHS of God.[/SIZE][/B]
He is a God under The God whether you like it or not and the 2nd Adam MAN to boot.
Begotten = you were Not the begotten one before being begotten, couple that with - John 17:3 This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the only true God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.
(Jesus he, independently of himself, references the Father as the only true God when he was here).
He confirms this by quoting the OT -> Hear, Israel: Yehowah OUR God is ONE Yehowah = Jesus in no way is Yehowah the Father.
So like it or not, the Bible TRUTH is, that after the cross Jesus became a Begotten God, and now ruling for the Father until death no more, when he then hands to Kingdom to the Father and is Then subject to the Father that put all things under him, SO THAT God (Father) maybe ALL in ALL.
(That will be by what he is, the Holy Spirit and his Word that he also is).
"[BCOLOR=#ffffff][LEFT][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#212121][SIZE=14px]Do you honestly think this is what Jesus had in mind in John 17:3[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT][/BCOLOR]"
Absolutely, he foreknew a lot of things from the God and Father who he quotes from the OT -> Hear, Israel: Yehowah OUR God is One Yehowah and NOT Yehowshuwa - Jesus.
"[BCOLOR=#ffffff][LEFT][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#212121][SIZE=14px]Read the whole chapter, Jesus is in anguish as he’s facing the cross and even more so as he has the full weight of humanity’s sins (due to the god of this world satan) and needed strength to face that mission that he was born for and why he came to this world, to undo the work of the god of the world for our salvation[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT][/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ffffff][LEFT][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#212121][SIZE=14px]This is what Jesus was referring to when he said “You are the true God” in contrast to the god of the world, this is what was in Jesus mind at that point of time of his mission, overcome the god of the world, nowhere did he have in his mind as per the take that you have in your mind in disproving his nature,[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/LEFT][/BCOLOR]"
That of yours, as in why he referenced the Father as in the only true God, is simply no more than your wild imaginations running wild within you, and no where to be mentioned in the entire Ch 17.
He simply states a clear and obvious truth of who the only true God was when he was here, which is backed by Paul 1 Cor 8:6 etc.