SKG skynetglobal limited

the genner agenda

  1. 8,265 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    For those who hold BQT ........

    Contrary to posters thinking Genner was releasing news to get the options over the line......Genner's interest was NOT in the options (we had been told they would excercise long before the deal) was to get their shares out of escrow.

    The time line.

    In late May.......we were advised the options holders were going to excercise the shares.

    I have since had advice the option holder who converted was Nissen........hence of course he was always going to excercise his options as he knew what was coming.

    June 9th.......Genner announces "consensus" with an unknown company for an unknown product....for a huge amount of money which was subject to "confideniality clauses"?

    June 30th.......Options excercised

    June 30th.......16 million shares out of escrow.....owned by Genner,Burke,Blake and Nissen.(which NO one knew about)

    June....Genner is in Brisbane talking to brokers.(fact)

    Now the questions? had 16 million shares coming out of escrow why would you release news which would send your shares to the moon before they came out of escrow?

    Genner released enough information to the market to get brokers or institutions interested in BQT.

    They say explain the deal and give us a piece of the action.

    Genner says to the brokers....i can do better...i can deliver 16 million shares to you at say....75c per share.

    Broker announce this deal and its as big as you say it is.....we will take the lot at 75c(assumed)......well under the ultimate price but Genner,Burke,Blake and Nissen get rid of all their parcel from escrow without selling on market.

    One could argue Genner has known the date for the rollout and signing of this deal all along.

    One could argue the intention has been all along was to get the shares out of escrow and to sell them once the news was released to an institution or the like.

    Genner and crew i believe have done this deal....without any doubt!

    Genner and crew are ready to reap a major windfall once the ink is dry.

    You do not buy shares on do not convert options like they have done.

    You do not wait and wait until shares come out of escrow....NOT to reap a huge gain.

    Now the holy grail question.

    Genner knows what impact this will have on the share price.

    What is their parcel worth to an institution?

    I would suggest its worth a fair bit more then 26c.

    I am even led to believe the deal is "bigger" then Genner has told the market so far.........

    $85 million is enormous......what is BQT worth if the deal is worth $120 million?

    Genner does Burke,Blake and Nissen.

    They know what their parcel is worth as well.

    My humble view........and why i am all over this like a rash.

    Do your own research.

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