"The Gold standard state is in crisis", page-2

  1. 46,754 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @cazz69; even as he ruthlessly and opportunistically kicked Victorians in the cobblers, Morrison placed his beloved NSW on a pedestal from which their was only one way it could head in future.

    Sadly for the people of NSW they swallowed Morrison's self-serving spin, propaganda and bare-faced lies hook line and stinker. Berejiklian bought in and signed onto the boast that NSW could beat any Covid19 outbreak without implementing a lockdown, she became a prisoner of that boast.

    With Morrison and his incredibly stupid Muppets breathing down her neck, Berejikllian fully embraced the spin and instead of minimising risks to the people of NSW, she blinked and waited a week or so too long.

    Now it's up to Greater Sydneysiders to rescue the Covid19 train wreck that Morrison and Berejiklian have unleashed on them.
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