GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

the gold stock reference post

  1. 3,360 Posts.
    Below is a list of 49 Gold miners listed in Australia. They range from the massive to the miniature, the relatively low risk to the extremely high risk. They are a combination of the main producers and the juniors/mid tiers that saw price and volume increases during the recent spurt in the gold price. There are a few producers that didn’t see much interest, but I have put that down to the AUD Gold price being substantially off its highs. If a junior is not there, it probably did not see any money flow into it recently. The idea being, if money flowed into a company during the recent rise in the gold price, there is a good chance that it will receive similar attention when the gold price really breaks out.

    Price, market cap information and charts are current to 3/10/09 and are taken from E*Trade and Bigcharts. I take no responsibility for any incorrect information. This is simply designed to be a reference or starting point for looking at the most attractive possibilities in the Australian Gold mining sector. Most of the blurbs are taken from the company’s websites and are designed to give us a simple overview of operations/locations. If it’s out of date or incorrect blame the company not me :)

    The charts are 3-year weekly charts, done so that comparison can be made to the price peaks in 07.

    It’s taken a bit of work collating all the info and charts and standardising the formatting etc, so I hope you all find some value in it. I know I have.


    AAM (A1 Minerals) – Price $0.185 Mkt Cap $29 m
    AAM Website

    A1 Minerals Limited (A1) is an emerging Australian gold miner based in Perth, Western Australia. The Company’s projects are situated in the highly prospective Laverton district in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, which is a frontier for new gold deposits, some of which have become world class mines. Modern techniques have found more than 25 million ounces of gold in this district in the past 20 years, including Barrick's Granny Smith and Anglogold's Sunrise Dam gold operations.
    Formed in May 2002, A1 successfully listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in December 2003 (ASX:AAM). Since that time A1’s flagship, the BrightStar Gold Project, has grown substantially and has 1.7 Moz Gold Resources (JORC Compliant) including 0.15 Moz @ 4.2 g/t Gold Reserve (JORC Compliant). In addition to this, the BrightStar project has the following:
    § 500 sq kms in prolific gold province of Laverton, WA
    § Outright ownership of a 300 ktpa CIP gold plant
    § Fully funded plant construction and commissioning
    § Existing accommodation and road infrastructure
    § Ore from surface and no overburden removal required
    § 30,000 oz p.a. gold production for four years
    § December 2009 Start

    With highly experienced Board and management, A1 is on target to becoming a successful gold miner with potential for a multi-million ounce gold resource in Western Australia, one of the world’s most prospective gold locations.

    AAO (Australasia Gold) – $0.085 $8m
    AAO Website

    Australasia Gold is a minerals exploration and mine development company focussed on gold and associated metals. Its projects are located in the Pine Creek region of the Northern Territory, in South Australia’s Gawler Craton and in the Otago Region of New Zealand’s south island.

    Each of these project areas is centrally located in a region with recognised gold/ metals endowment, and both historic and modern production. Each of Australasia’s project areas includes known gold/ base metal mineralisation, and exploration potential which has received limited attention in recent time.

    The Company undertakes to advance each of these projects as efficiently and professionally as possible, while maintaining an active project generation effort aimed at expanding and diversifying its project portfolio.

    The Board brings together diverse Australian and international minerals industry experience, encompassing exploration and discovery, project evaluation and mine development, and mining operations. We seek to apply this expertise to building a substantial junior gold mining and exploration company, based on the above projects and by the acquisition of substantial advanced projects both within and beyond the limits of Australasia.

    ADU (Adamus Resources) – $0.42 $122m
    ADU Website

    Adamus Resources Limited is an exploration company, whose main focus is on realising the economic potential of the 90% owned Southern Ashanti Gold Project in Ghana, West Africa. The Project comprises a Greenfield development of open pit mining operations, a processing facility and associated infrastructure to mine and process ore from defined resources in concessions including Salman-Akanko and Anwia-Bokazo deposits. Current estimates show the Project to have a minimum life of 10 years and produce on average 100,000oz of gold per year.

    Drilling has identified gold mineral resource of:
    30.2Mt @ 1.80g/t for 1,750,000oz gold (Measured and Indicated) and;
    6.98Mt @ 1.62g/t for 362,000oz gold (Inferred)

    Adamus Secures Key Plant Items Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget
    2 Project Managers Appointed
    A$40M Placement for Project Development
    Former head of AngloGold Ashanti Australia, joins Board
    Adamus surpasses 1 million ounces gold ore reserve in Ghana

    AND (Andean Resources) – $2.09 $1031m
    AND Website

    Andean Resources Ltd. is a dual listed company (ASX:AND) (TSX:AND), actively and aggressively exploring for gold resources in Argentina. The company is well positioned to become a mid-tier gold producer over the next two years as it commences production from its 100% owned Cerro Negro project.

    This high-grade, world-class deposit is located in the mining-friendly province of Santa Cruz, in southern Argentina, and contains a growing resource base of over 2.5 million ounces of gold. In order to expand its resource base and add to the future production profile, Andean is committed to ongoing exploration and building its resource inventory at the Cerro Negro project and, in the process, generating enhanced returns for its shareholders as a platform for future growth.

    ATV (Atlantic Gold) – $0.067 $21m
    ATV Website

    Atlantic Gold NL is an Australian-listed gold exploration company (ASX code ATV).

    The board and management of Atlantic Gold NL (formerly Diamond Ventures NL) are former long term executives and directors of Plutonic Resources Limited, a highly successful Australian gold mining and exploration company, now owned by Barrick Gold Corporation.

    Atlantic Gold’s objective is to discover highly profitable gold reserves with near-term development potential through the acquisition and exploration of prospective acreage with workable mining tenure.

    Following this strategy the Company is now focused on the exploration and development of the Touquoy Gold Project and the Cochrane Hill Gold Deposit in Nova Scotia, Canada.

    Total potential output from proposed open pits at Touquoy and Cochrane Hill is now expected to exceed 900,000 oz gold following new conceptual study level modelling. Conceptual pit optimisation for Cochrane Hill is based on a recently revised resource estimate.

    AVO (Avoca Resources) – $1.51 $413m
    AVO Website

    Avoca is an ASX 200 gold mining and exploration company based in Perth, Australia. In April 2002, it was listed on the ASX. In late 2004, Avoca paid A$6.25 million to Gold Fields Ltd for the Higginsville exploration project, located 120km south of Kalgoorlie.

    In December 2004, Avoca discovered the high-grade Trident ore body, which is considered one of the best gold discoveries south of Kalgoorlie in the past 23 years. It forms the basis of the Higginsville project with an initial 581koz reserve. Management is confident that Higginsville will have a mine life of 10+ years. New high-grade ore bodies near Trident, including Athena and Apollo, have been discovered and Avoca's regional resource stands at 1.45 million ounces.

    In April 2007, Avoca raised A$125 million to build its new mine and first gold production began in mid 2008. It has the rare distinction of building a new 1Mtpa treatment plant under time and under budget, and is now the third largest underground miner in Western Australia. The Higginsville Gold Operation is the first new gold operation in Western Australia since 2001. The company has 220 employees and contractors on site and is targeting 180,000 ounces of gold production in FY2010 at a cash cost of approximately A$450 per ounce¹.

    Avoca's managing director, Rohan Williams, has more than 15 years experience in the region having worked as a geologist at the 15+ million ounce St Ives field immediately north of Higginsville, and the 6+ million ounce Norseman field immediately to the south.

    AZM (Azumah Resources) – $0.14 $23m
    AZM Website

    Azumah Resources Limited (ASX: AZM) is an Australian-based company focused on the exploration and development of the 100%-owned Wa Gold Project in northwest Ghana, West Africa.

    The Wa Gold Project contains a JORC compliant Indicated and Inferred resource of over 754,000 ounces of gold - including 516,000oz at the Kunche deposit and 212,000oz at Bepkong, with a large number of exciting additional targets now being drilled.

    Wa Gold Project Highlights
    Land holding of 3,157 km2, including over 100km strike of prospective Birimian greenstone belt - a geological setting known to host world class gold deposits throughout Ghana and West Africa.

    Gold resource at the Kunche deposit of 8.5 million tonnes @ 1.9g/t gold for 516,000 ounces, with the mineralisation remaining open in all directions.

    Gold resource at the Bepkong deposit of 2.97 million tonnes @ 2.2g/t gold for 212,000 ounces, with mineralisation remaining open to the north and at depth.

    Recent acquisition of the nearby Wa Project, including several advanced-stage, drill confirmed targets with strong potential for near-term, low-cost, near-surface resource delineation.

    Azumah's aim is to upgrade this initial resource base to 1-2 million ounces of gold to underpin a long-life open pit mining operation.

    CAH (Catalpa Resources) – $0.15 $176m
    CAH Website

    Perth-based Catalpa Resources Limited (ASX: CAH) is on the cusp of a new phase of development, following the successful raising of more than $106 million in debt and equity to advance it’s A$92 million Edna May (open-pit gold) Operations to production by July 2010.
    As part of the Edna May finance facility, Catalpa has sold forward 352,316 ounces of gold at an exceptional price of A$1,544 per ounce. Catalpa plans to utilise Edna May’s solid annual cash operating margins of A$75 million (based on an average gold price of A$1,400 per ounce) to fund its growth and become Australia’s next mid tier gold producer.

    Catalpa has a sound Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve base at Edna May. Since October 2008 Catalpa has increased its Edna May Reserve by more than 50% from 544,000 to 817,000 ounces, extending the life of the Edna May Operations to more than seven years with planned production of more than 100,000 ounces per annum.

    Catalpa has an experienced and focussed Board and management team that are committed to realising timely production and cash flow at the Edna May Operations. With a buoyant outlook on the gold price, the Board believes that Catalpa Resources presents a sound investment opportunity with significant upside potential.

    CHN (Chalice Gold Mines) – $0.39 $55m
    CHN Website

    Chalice Gold Mines Limited ("Chalice") is a progressive exploration and development company dedicated to building value through the discovery, aggressive exploration and development of high quality gold and base metal projects in Africa and Australia. The Company's main projects include:

    The high grade ~1 million ounce Zara Gold Project in Eritrea, East Africa.
    Funded exploration of the Gnaweeda Gold Project, through a $1,500,000 joint venture with Teck Cominco; and

    Funded exploration at the Wilga Gold Project, through a $2,000,000 joint venture with Anglogold Ashanti, situated within a fertile, well endowed gold belt adjacent to a major mineralised structure, 15 km southeast of Anglogold-Ashanti's Cleo gold mine in the Laverton tectonic zone.

    The large Yandeearra Project in the West Pilbara.

    Chalice Gold's board and management team has the requisite geology, mining, corporate and business development skills needed to operate and develop an emerging resource company.

    CHZ (Chesser Resources) $0.12 $9m
    CHZ Website

    Chesser Resources Ltd is an ASX-listed Exploration company with an advanced gold project and a portfolio of discovery-stage gold and gold-copper properties in Turkey. Chesser's strategy is to build a portfolio of advanced gold projects with potential to develop into multi million ounce, economically favourable mining projects. The company is committed to advancing its existing portfolio while continuing to seek new advanced opportunities. Chesser has assembled a strong exploration portfolio and an experienced and motivated team, and is well-placed to continue adding shareholder value through its stated strategy.

    CNT (Centamin Egypt) – $ 1.705 $1777m
    CNT Website

    Centamin Egypt Limited is a mineral exploration company, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:CNT), the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange (AIM:CEY) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:CEE).

    Centamin has been exploring for gold in Egypt since 1995, and in 2005 was granted a 160km 2 exploitation lease over the massive Sukari Hill gold project.

    The current resource at Sukari is 9.91 million ounces Measured and Indicated, and 3.3 million ounces Inferred, with ongoing drilling expected to add significantly to this resource.

    A feasibility study to upgrade the project to a 4-5 million tonne per year operation was completed in February 2007.
    Construction is almost complete and commerical production has just begun.

    CRK (Carrick Gold) – $0.78 $101m
    CRK Website

    Carrick currently has a tenement holding of about 450 km2 in the Goldfields region of Western Australia, located north east of Kalgoorlie. Carrick has already discovered three gold deposits and a host of other exciting prospects which it will explore while progressing the development of the Lindsay’s project

    Carrick has achieved remarkable exploration success and has defined a JORC resource in excess of 4 million ounces at three gold projects. The majority of gold deposits discovered by Carrick to date are at shallow depth and should be amenable to open-pit mining. Carrick believes the nature of the Lindsay’s Parrot Feathers deposit will allow for a low cost open-pit mining operation.

    The long term goal for Carrick is to create a new mining hub within close proximity to Kalgoorlie. The development of the existing projects will coincide with ongoing exploration activity to prove up more resources which will underpin additional mining operations. To advance its development, Carrick will be seeking to bolster its team and is actively seeking experienced staff to join the Company.
    Carrick currently has $10.3 million in cash (30 June 2009) which will allow it to fund the PFS and ongoing exploration activity.

    CXC (Coeur D'Alene Mines) – $21.85 $128m (Oz listing)
    CXC Website

    Coeur d’Alene Mines Corporation is one of the world’s leading silver companies and also a significant gold producer. In 2009, the Company is expecting to produce close to 20 million ounces of silver, a 60% increase over last year's levels. Coeur this year is realizing its first full year of production at the world's largest pure silver mine - San Bartolomé in Bolivia – and is now in production at its newest operation - the Palmarejo silver/gold mine in Mexico.

    The Company also holds 100% operating interest and exploration rights at underground mines in southern Chile and Argentina and one surface mine in Nevada; and owns a non-operating interest in a low-cost mine in Australia. The Company also owns a major gold project - Kensington in Alaska - and conducts exploration activities in Argentina, Chile and Mexico.

    Chart is of CDE (US listing of Coeur)

    DIO (Dioro Exploration) – $0.80 $56m
    DIO Website

    Dioro is an integrated gold producer with operational ‘know-how’ in open pit mining, underground mining, mine development, resource development and all facets of exploration. Dioro is listed on the ASX and TSX and has an ambitious growth strategy to build itself into a mid-tier gold producer through exploration and M&A. In 12 months, Dioro has more than doubled its market capitalization, commenced gold production on two fronts, increased its workforce from 5 to 140 and tripled its exploration acreage.

    Dioro has recently grown its ASX and TSX compliant measured and indicated resource inventory to approximately 2.1 million ounces of gold (when combining the company's 49% interest in the Frog's Leg project and 100% of South Kal project). This does not include another 600,000oz of inferred resources.

    Dioro has a proven & probable Ore Reserve inventory of 533,000 ounces as at Dec 31 2007. This does not incorporate recent 37% upgrade in the Frog’s Leg resource, where feasibility study resource to reserve conversion is 86%. Frog’s leg has a growing mine life of 7.5 years and combined with ore from South Kal keeps the Jubilee Mill at 1.2Mtpa capacity for approximately 5 years, more than enough time for exploration and/or corporate success to provide additional ore sources.

    The Frog's Leg project is located 25km west of Kalgoorlie. Dioro holds 49% interest in the project. After completing the recent resource upgrade (March 2008) the Frog's Leg total measured and indicated resources temporarily stands at 990,000 ounces of gold (Dioro share 485,100 ounces) and proven & probable Ore Reserves of 622,000 ounces (Dioro share 305,000 ounces). Gold production commenced on May 13th 2008 with the first underground gold poured at the 100% owned Jubilee Mill.

    The South Kal Project (Dioro 100%), which is located 25km south of Kalgoorlie (60km SE of Frog’s Leg), includes the operating Jubilee 1.2mtpa mill, 4-5 years of reserves at current production rates, and a measured and indicated resource inventory of approximately 1.55 million ounces. In addition the South Kal project has a large highly prospective tenement package covering an area of in excess of 1100 km2.

    DOM (Dominion Mining) – $3.81 $381m
    DOM Website

    Dominion Mining Limited is a publicly listed Australian gold producer and explorer, with a high-margin gold mine in South Australia and a suite of prospective exploration projects spanning three Australian States.
    Dominion's shares are quoted on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX ticker: DOM) while Sponsored American Depositary Receipts representing its shares are traded in the United States of America.
    Dominion's key asset is the 100%-owned Challenger Gold Mine located in South Australia, which has been in production since October 2002, initially as an open pit operation before subsequently transitioning to full-scale underground production in early 2005.
    To the end of June 2008 a total of 467,880 ounces have been produced from Challenger at an average operating cost of $340/oz. The current ore reserves are sufficient to underpin a 7 year mine life based on current annual production levels of around 100,000 ounces.
    Dominion has a commitment to maintain the highest standards of health, safety & environment at all its operations, and has an excellent safety record at the Challenger mine site.
    Underpinned by cash flow from Challenger, Dominion has a significant commitment to exploration for gold, base metals and other commodities in Australia, with much of this effort focused on intensive exploration at Challenger to maintain and, potentially, increase its gold reserve inventory.
    Regional exploration programs are underway at prospective projects including the South West Yilgarn Project in Western Australia and the Wongan Hills base metal project, located 120km north east of Perth also in Western Australia. The objective of these programs is to generate a substantial new mineral discovery with the potential to add significant value to the Company.

    DRA (Dragon Mining) – $0.077 $58m
    DRA Website

    Dragon is an established producer of +75,000 ounces of gold per annum from projects in Sweden and Finland. The Svartliden and Vammala projects exploit high grade deposits in well serviced mining districts.
    Dragon’s average cost of production is forecast to remain below $US600/oz in 2009.
    Dragon has negligible hedging and no net debt. Plans to develop ore sources outside of current reserves are well advanced at Svartliden, Sarvisuo, Kutema and Jokisivu. With the exception of Jokisivu, each is an extension of an exposed, fully developed deposit, requiring no capital for surface facilities or ground disturbance.

    ERM (Emmerson Resources) – $0.31 $64m
    ERM Website

    A newly ASX listed (ERM) gold resource company that successfully raised A$20m for exploration.
    Has an aggressive exploration program and dominant ground position in the world class Tennant Creek Mineral Field.
    Is applying new exploration concepts and technologies to unlock the next generation of gold and copper deposits.
    Owns the only carbon-in-pulp gold plant in the region. Has an experienced Board and Management team.
    Emmerson Resources commands a dominant tenement position in Australia's Tennant Creek Mineral Field. This field is characterised by extremely high-grade gold & gold-copper deposits, with a historical production in excess of 5.5 million ounces of gold and 488,000 tonnes of copper.
    Emmerson Resources owns the Warrego Gold Plant, located 35 kilometres north-west of Tennant Creek. The plant has an annual production capacity of 300,000 tonnes and was last operated in December 2005, following complete refurbishment in early 2003.

    FML (Focus Minerals) – $0.039 $103m
    FML Website

    Focus Minerals is an ASX-listed exploration and development company with significant advanced gold and nickel projects in the highly prolific Western Australian Goldfields.
    It has achieved a historic amalgamation of tenements through a wide sweep of the Coolgardie gold producing region, 40km south of Kalgoorlie and is well positioned to commence near-term mining of both nickel and gold.
    Focus Minerals’ nickel portfolio includes the 100% owned Nepean Nickel Project, centred on the historic Nepean Nickel Mine, located 25km south of Coolgardie.
    The Coolgardie Gold Project consists of an extensive resource inventory within multiple deposits totaling 20.6 million tonnes at 2.48g/t Au for 1.65 million ounces, the fully permitted 1.2mtpa Three Mile Hill gold processing facility, and a highly prospective 210km² tenement package offering an outstanding pipeline of exploration and development opportunities.
    Focus Minerals commenced maiden commercial gold mining at the Coolgardie Gold Project in April 2008 through ore sourced from the Company's flagship Perseverance deposit

    GCR (Golden Cross Resources) – $0.025 $21m
    GCR Website

    Golden Cross Resources (GCR) is a gold and base metals explorer searching for large deposits in highly prospective mineral belts providing significant potential upside for the investor.

    GCR’s current portfolio of tenements contains world class exploration potential, with which we have attracted leading mining companies as farm-in partners who help us fund our exploration. GCR's primary focus is the Copper Hill Project in central NSW. Copper Hill has an Indicated and Inferred Resource of 133 million tonnes containing 421,000 tonnes of copper and 1.2 million ounces of gold.
    In late 2008 GCR and HQ Mining Resources Holding Pty Ltd (“HQ”) announced a strategic alliance. HQ is the Australian investment vehicle of Beijing-based China United Mining Investment Co Ltd (CUMIC).The alliance will provide Golden Cross with an immediate injection of funds, as well as operational, development and marketing assistance with the opportunity for further financial support. HQ will use Golden Cross as its platform for future growth in Australia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas.

    GDO (GoldOne International) – $0.30 $237m
    GDO Website

    Gold One International Limited is an Australian and African gold resource company listed on the financial markets operated by ASX Limited (the Australian Securities Exchange) and JSE Limited (the Johannesburg Stock Exchange) (issuer code GDO). The company was created via inward listing of Gold One – formerly BMA Gold - on the JSE and the subsequent acquisition by Gold One of all the issued ordinary shares in Aflease by way of a scheme of arrangement. The company’s vision is to be the preferred gold exploration, development and mining company, aiming to provide superior returns to investors in global markets, supportive of junior gold mining companies. The company believes that value accretive geographical diversification is also key to managing risk and in line with this strategy will continue to review opportunities in its targeted destinations of Australia, North America and Southern Africa.

    Daily 6 month chart

    GMR (Golden Rim Resources) – $0.15 $34m
    GMR Website

    Golden Rim Resources Ltd is a public exploration and mining company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX ).

    Golden Rim’s board of directors and senior management team are well known in the global mining industry and have a background of success in creating company value and in the discovery and mining of significant mineral deposits. Collectively the directors of Golden Rim are involved in the management a number of public mineral resource companies with interests in gold, iron ore, silver, copper, uranium, oil and gas projects in South East Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. The current cumulative market capitalisation of these companies exceeds A$2 billion.

    Golden Rim is focused on exploring and developing gold and copper and iron ore resources in Africa and on the Pacific Rim. Currently the company is spending over A$2 - 3 million annually on exploration with the aim of mining any economic resources that are discovered. Most of this funding is spent on drilling.
    In Mali, Africa, Golden Rim has two gold projects, Sepola and Sanso, and these are proving to be exciting opportunities. The Company is presently concentrating its efforts on the Sepola Gold Project and the directors consider the Project to have the potential to produce a major gold deposit.

    Golden Rim is also a 35% shareholder in Royal Falcon Mining LLC (Royal Falcon ). Royal Falcon has recently entered into a Farmin and Joint Venture Heads of Agreement in respect of the advanced Falun and Bersbo poly-metallic projects located in the Bergslagen district in central Sweden.

    The Company currently has offices in Perth and Melbourne in Australia, and Bamako in Mali, Africa.

    GOA (Gold Aura) – $0.049 $13m
    GOA Website

    Gold Aura Limited (ASX code: GOA) is focussing on a global search for world class mineral deposits. This approach has enabled the Company to assemble a portfolio of projects which have outstanding potential. GOA has an experienced Board and Management team capable of advancing the projects from their current exploration stage into successful commercial mining projects.

    While the immediate focus of GOA is on defining the potential of its exciting new Croydon discovery, any one of the other projects in the Company's portfolio has the potential to become a 'company maker'.

    The most recent success by GOA has been the discovery at Anomaly A2, in late 2006, of an extensive polymetallic vein-style mineralised system under some 115 m of cover rocks north of Croydon in NW Queensland. The area, designated the Croydon Zinc Project area, lies immediately to the north of the Croydon Goldfield where the Company's Croydon Gold Project tenements are located.

    EDIT : The ‘Most Recent Success’ may be outdated now, with an announcement made last week which moved the share price significantly

    GRY (Gryphon Minerals) – $0.41 $75m
    GRY Website

    Gryphon Minerals is a Perth-based mineral exploration company established with the express purpose of exploring and developing gold deposits in West Africa.

    Gryphon Minerals will be focusing on increasing shareholders’ wealth through aggressive exploration. The management team has extensive experience in the resources industry, ranging through project acquisition, exploration, resource definition and financing.

    At the Companies flagship Banfora Gold Project an aggressive drilling and regional exploration programme is being carried out to assist in unlocking the full potential of the project. Gryphon considers the results to date to be extremely significant, reinforcing the potential for the Banfora Gold Project to host large scale gold mineralisation. Currently an exciting phase of exploration is planned to commence in the coming weeks, looking to increase the current gold resource of 6.1Mt @ 2.1g/t for 410,000oz of gold at the Nogbele and Fourkoura Prospects as well as to identify and test new regional target areas.

    IGR (Integra Mining) – $0.30 $141m
    IGR Website

    Integra Mining ("Integra") is an aggressive Australian gold explorer with a proven discovery track record, a substantial gold resource base and a strong platform for building a significant new mid-tier Australian gold production house.
    Since listing on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2001, Integra has steadily built up its mineral portfolio through a series of acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances – predominantly in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia, where it controls a consolidated tenement package of approximately 2,200 square kilometres.

    The Company’s flagship Aldiss-Randalls Gold Project, located 50-100km east of Kalgoorlie, has a consolidated gold resource of 20 million tonnes grading 2.7 g/t gold for 1.8 million contained ounces. Integra is undertaking detailed Scoping and Feasibility Studies on the Aldiss-Randalls Project during 2008, in parallel with an aggressive $16 million exploration program which is targeting further increases in its gold resource base to between 2 and 2.2 million ounces.

    The currently identified resource base is expected to underpin a production profile of 120,000 ounces per annum over a five year mine life, with any additional resources delineated during 2008 expected to enhance this position.

    KCN (Kingsgate Consolidated) – $8.28 $793m
    KCN Website

    Kingsgate Consolidated Limited (KCN) is a minerals exploration, development and mining company focused primarily on the Chatree Gold Project, located in northern Thailand. Chatree produces gold at the rate of around 100,000 oz per annum with a longer term target of 125,000-150,000 oz per annum.

    An expansion is planned to double the processing plant’s throughput to 5 million tonnes per annum of ore. The expansion is currently being reviewed to de-risk the project to the fullest extent possible prior to seeking funding. Implementation is aniticpated during 2009, with construction expected to take 12 months once approved

    KGL (Kentor Gold) – $0.089 $13m
    KGL Website

    Kentor Gold Ltd, an Australian publicly-listed company, is a diversified international explorer with gold, geothermal and base metals exploration assets in the Kyrgyz Republic in Central Asia.

    The Company’s strategy is to acquire advanced projects which have existing resources that can rapidly be moved into development, construction and operation.
    Through their experienced board and Kyrgyz-based, Russian speaking management team, Kentor Gold has developed a strong relationship with the Kyrgyz Government and have secured access to the vast store of technical data from Soviet exploration programs.
    Kentor Gold is currently exploring for gold, geothermal and base metals in the Kyrgyz Republic and seeking opportunities to acquire advanced projects through-out Central Asia. The Company’s geothermal exploration program is being conducted in partnership with geothermal energy exploration pioneers, Panax Geothermal Ltd, headed by Dr Bertus de Graaf.

    KRM (Kingsrose Mining) – $0.58 $90m
    KRM Website

    Kingsrose Mining Limited is a specialist high grade, narrow vein underground gold miner.
    The company operates gold mines in Australia and Indonesia.
    The company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in December 2007.

    LGL (Lihir Gold) – $2.85 $6,846m
    LGL Website

    Lihir Gold Limited (LGL) is a major global gold producer with operations in Papua New Guinea (PNG), West Africa and Australia. The company’s head office is located in Port Moresby, PNG, and in 2005 LGL established its global corporate base in Brisbane, Australia.

    The company is incorporated in PNG, where it operates one of the world’s largest gold mines and processing facilities on Lihir Island in New Ireland province. LGL is also developing an underground mine and process plant at the historic gold mining centre of Ballarat, north-west of Melbourne in Victoria.

    In June 2008, LGL finalised a merger with Perth-based gold producer Equigold NL. Through the merger, LGL now has operations at Mount Rawdon in Queensland and in Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa. Combined from its four operations, LGL has approximately 25 million ounces in reserves.

    In 2008 LGL produced 882,000 ounces of gold, with production in 2009 forecast to exceed one million ounces, including 770,000 – 840,000 ounces from Lihir Island, 130,000 – 160,000 ounces from Bonikro, 90,000 – 100,000 ounces from Mount Rawdon, and up to 20,000 ounces from Ballarat.

    LGL is publicly listed, with its shares traded on the Australian, Toronto, Port Moresby and NASDAQ stock exchanges. The company presently has 2.2 billion shares on issue and a market capitalisation of approximately A$7.5 billion.

    MCO (Morningstar Gold) – $0.335 $35m
    MCO Website

    MCO is an ASX listed gold producer and explorer, focused solely on historically known high grade gold production ore bodies in the historically rich eastern Victorian Goldfields. MCO's Woods Point Gold Project is located 120km northeast of Melbourne, Australia adjacent to the famous gold town of Woods Point via Healesville or Mansfield.

    The Woods Point Dyke Swarm and nearby Walhalla together comprise one of the most significant gold fields in Australian history. Known production was 155 tonnes or ~6 million ounces of Gold since the early gold rushes of the 1850's but much was unreported in the early years so figures are conservative. Production grades were close to an ounce per tonne in many of the 'dyke' hosted deposits. Morning Star Gold has recommissioned its 100% owned 'Morning Star' mine for 2009 gold production. The main vertical shaft & drives to the 1,000ft level are reaccessed. The famous Morning Star mine was at one point in the early 1940s Australia's premier gold mine run by Gold Mines of Australia (WMC Ltd).

    Over 5kms of underground resource diamond drilling has been completed and multiple ore targets identified. MCO is primarily targeting areas of the mine which were largely unexplored by WMC between 1934-1959 or developed but not stoped at that time. The primary current production targets are in the upper areas of the mine (100m-280m depth). The under-developed 'Gap Zone' in the mine lies between the prodigious Whitelaws and Achilles production zones (~200m-650m depth) and is estimated to contain over 60 Million Tonnes of gabbro/diorite-dyke host rocks with only 6 historic drill holes recorded. This is a priority exploration area within the mine.

    Morning Star Gold holds the largest aggregation of Exploration and Mining Licences in the Woods Point Dyke Swarm with over 220km2 tenements. Historical production from MCO's tenements is ~2 million ounces of gold. Morning Star is modelling its regional dykes in order to estimate an overall gold endowment and rank local production sources to feed its proposed Woods Point production hub at the Morning Star mine site. Key initial targets (all within 11kms of the Morning Star mine) are the Waverly, All Nations, Rose of Denmark, Hunts, Wallaby and Loch Fyne dykes, all of which historically produced high grade gold, much of it gained from shallow workings above the water table.

    MDL (Mineral Deposits) – $0.865 $499m
    MDL Website

    Mineral Deposits Limited traces its history to Mineral Deposits Syndicate, and was one of the pioneers of the highly regarded Australian mineral sands industry. MDL has more than 60 years' experience in mineral sands dredging operations on the eastern seaboard of Australia producing premium zircon and rutile products.

    Our current business is focused in Senegal, west Africa with a producing gold mine at the Sabodala Gold Project and the development of a mining operation at the Grande Côte Zircon & Ilmenite Project. The Sabodala plant has commissioned smoothly with the first gold bars being produced in mid-March 2009. Project construction at Grande Côte is expected to commence during 2009.

    MDL has established offices in Dakar, Sabodala and Thies to manage these two projects and its exploration programs.

    MML (Medusa Mining) – $3.27 $564m
    MML Website

    Medusa Mining Limited was incorporated on 5 February 2002 and officially admitted to the Australian Stock Exchange on 23 December 2003, following a successful Initial Public Offering ("IPO") of 12,500,000 shares at 20 cents each, that raised $2.5 million.

    The current Directors of Medusa are Messrs Kevin Tomlinson, Geoffrey Davis, Dr Robert Weinberg and Roy Daniel.
    Medusa's corporate objectives at listing were to:
    § acquire new gold and gold-copper projects with potential to generate cashflow;
    § continue to achieve gold production with a low capital exposure; and to
    § explore for high grade deposits with good access and infrastructure.

    To achieve its stated objectives, Medusa identified the Philippines (with its world class mineral endowment), as the country most likely to provide Medusa with the opportunity of achieving its stated objectives of developing a cash flow from high grade gold deposits.

    The Company has witnessed an upsurge of government facilitation of mining investments for foreign companies in the Philippines, and has focused its activities in the Philippines.

    MUN (Mundo Minerals) – $0.365 $52m
    MUN Website

    Mundo Minerals Limited (ASX: MUN) is an Australian-domiciled international gold company focused on the exploration and development of a portfolio of medium-sized gold projects in South America.
    Mundo Minerals’ corporate strategy is based on developing an asset base within five years that will provide a sustainable and profitable production profile of 200,000 ounces of gold per annum from three to four mining projects, with a resource base approaching 3.5 million ounces.
    During 2008, Mundo Minerals joined the ranks of international gold producers with the construction and successful commissioning of its first production asset, the 100%-owned Engenho Gold Project in the Minas Gerais area of Brazil.
    The production ramp-up at Engenho is expected to be completed by early 2009 with an annualised production forecast at approximately 32,000 ounces per annum. A series of priority exploration targets have been established with the potential to significantly increase the resource base at Engenho and underpin further increases in production to a targeted long-term level of 50-60,000 ounces per annum.

    NCM (Newcrest Mining) – $31.62 $15,747m
    NCM Website

    Newcrest is Australia’s largest gold producer and one of the world’s top 10 gold mining companies by production, reserves and market capitalisation.

    Newcrest has a portfolio of low cost, long life operating mines, a strong pipeline of growth projects and highly prospective brown and greenfield exploration projects.

    The company has a substantial reserve and resource base combined with a long reserve life. As at 30 June 2009, it had gold reserves of 42.8Moz and copper reserves of 4.67Mt and gold resources of 80.0Moz and copper resources of 14.36Mt.

    Following the completion of the hedgebook buy-back in June 2008 Newcrest is now an unhedged gold producer. Low gearing and a strong balance sheet places the company in a good position to fund major development projects and to capitalize on external growth opportunities.

    The company's current activities include six operating mines: Cadia Valley Operations, comprising Cadia Hill and Ridgeway (near Orange, NSW), Telfer Open Pit and Telfer Underground (Pilbara Region, Western Australia), Cracow (Gladstone Region Central Queensland) and Kencana (Indonesia). The company has an extensive development pipeline of projects including Cadia East, Ridgeway Deeps, Gosowong Extension Project and Hidden Valley.

    In addition, Newcrest is currently exploring for gold and gold-copper deposits in Australia, Indonesia, Fiji, the United States, Canada and Peru. The world class exploration team has an enviable track record of discovery as all Newcrest’s mining projects were discovered by the company. Metals Economic Group ranked Newcrest as the most successful company at discovering major gold deposits between 1992 – 2005.

    For the financial year ended 30 June 2009, Newcrest produced 1.63 million ounces of gold at a cash cost of A$468 per ounce (US$350 per ounce), placing it in the lowest quartile of the global cost curve. In addition, the company produced 89.9 kilo tonnes of copper. For 2009-2010, Newcrest is targeting gold production of 1.81-1.91 million ounces and copper production of 83 – 87 kilo tonnes.

    Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, Newcrest is among the top 20 companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange by market capitalisation. The Company has around 5,100 employees and long term contractors.

    NEM (Newmont Mining) – $4.93 $299m (Australian listing)
    NEM Website

    Newmont Mining Corporation is primarily a gold producer, with significant assets or operations in the United States, Australia, Peru, Indonesia, Ghana, Canada, New Zealand and Mexico. Founded in 1921 and publicly traded since 1925, Newmont is one of the world’s largest gold producers and is the only gold company included in the S&P 500 Index and Fortune 500. Headquartered near Denver, Colorado, the company has approximately 34,000 employees and contractors worldwide.

    NGF (Norton Gold Fields) – $0.23 $103m
    NGF Website

    Norton is one of the largest ASX-listed domestically-owned gold producer. It also has active gold, copper and coal exploration projects.

    Norton produces around 150,000 oz per year from its open cut operations at Paddington near Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. The current mine life is in excess of 10 years. Output is expected to increase towards 200,000 oz per year during FY2010 with the development of the Homestead underground mine now underway.

    Development of the Queensland Mount Morgan Mine Project will add a further 30,000 to 35,000 oz per year gold production and has been approved by the Board subject to suitable funding. Mount Morgan can be in production within twelve months.

    Completion of Homestead and Mount Morgan mines will drive total gold production to 230,000 to 250,000 oz per year and diversify production sources.

    NQM (North Queensland Metals) – $0.255 $51m
    NQM Website

    North Queensland Metals is a profitable gold producer with a pipeline of opportunities, destined for growth.
    § Focus on Growing Gold Production
    § Aims to be a mid-tier gold producer within 5 years
    § Plans to continue to review development options for Base Metal assets

    North Queensland’s strategy is to focus on growing gold production
    § Pajingo, at a production rate of 3000 ozs (NQM share) per month and cash cost of $650/oz realising $1150/oz, generates $1.5M net cash flow per month
    § There are many under explored targets at Pajingo and many projects for consideration and evaluation around Charters Towers
    § Pajingo exploration now underway will provide additions to the resource base and delineate new targets for drilling.
    § Dotswood evaluation, will determine whether to exercise the option to purchase by September 2009
    § The aggregation, exploration and development of copper, tin and gold tenements around Herberton continues but at slower pace.

    OGC (Oceana Gold) – $1.015 $193m
    OGC Website

    OceanaGold Corporation, best known for operating New Zealand’s largest gold mine - Macraes, has been steadily growing its business since its listing on the Australian and New Zealand stock exchanges in 2004.

    In the last three years the Company has achieved some significant milestones:
    In 2006 OceanaGold merged with Climax Mining, bringing a rich portfolio of gold and copper assets in the Philippines into the Company.

    In 2007 the Company commissioned its second mine - Reefton on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand and listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
    In early 2008 its third mine - Frasers Underground commissioned.

    In 2009 the Company is expected to produce between 280,000 and 300,000 ounces of gold at cash costs of between US$365 - US$405 per ounce.

    ORP (Oropa Limited) – $0.056 $18m (soon to be Sihayo Gold)
    ORP Website

    OROPA LIMITED (“Oropa”) is a mineral exploration company with projects in Indonesia, Malawi, India with minor interests in Australia.

    With recent exploration successes at the Company's Pungkut Gold Project, the Oropa Board is now focused on developing Pungkut to a mining stage to generate maximum shareholders value.

    Oropa is managed by a highly skilled and dedicated team. This team is firmly committed to increasing the value of the company through focused exploration on projects in highly prospective regions of the world.

    To date, management has assembled a high quality portfolio of mineral assets that provide an excellent foundation for the company to move from explorer into miner.

    PRU (Perseus Mining) – $1.18 $374m
    PRU Website

    Perseus Mining Limited (ASX Code: PRU) has forged a reputation as one of the world's most successful gold explorers. Focused on under-explored gold belts in West Africa, Perseus has identified significant deposits in Ghana, and Ivory Coast and demonstrated a credible track record of resource growth.

    The Company's Ayanfuri gold project has reserves of 2.1 million ounces of gold and additional resources of 3.16 million ounces of gold (1.03Moz Measured and Indicated and 2.13Moz Inferred). A further 2 million ounces of resources are held on its other West African projects.

    A feasibility study for the Ayanfuri Project was completed in July 2009. Gold production is targeted for 2011, followed in 2012 by a proposed ~100,000ozpa project at Tengrela in the Ivory Coast.

    Among its investments, Perseus retains a 29% stake in Manas Resources Limited which it spun off in 2008 as a focused Kyrgyz Republic gold explorer and developer.

    PSP (Prosperity Resources) – $0.145 $30m
    PSP Website

    Prosperity Resources Limited is a Western Australian based gold- copper explorer listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (PSP). The Company strategic focus is on Indonesia and has recently acquired the Pinang-Pinang gold- copper project in Aceh, Indonesia. Prosperity also has significant land holdings in the historic mining region of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, iron ore and gold interests in the Murchison region in mid-west Western Australia.

    RSG (Resolute Mining) – $0.62 $222m
    RSG Website

    Yielded in excess of 293,000 ounces of gold at a cash cost of A$617/ounce.
    Mt Wright underground deposit at Ravenswood delivering significant ore.
    Syama Project in Mali nearing first gold production.

    Achieved an Operating Profit before unrealised treasury and tax of A$5.3m.
    Finance facilities totalling US$60m negotiated with Barclays Bank Plc.

    Rights Issue raises A$50m.
    Hedge book significantly reduced and restructured.

    Re-development of the Syama project in Mali in final stages.
    Mt Wright underground deposit at Ravenswood identifies additional ore compared to feasibility.
    Feasibility study commenced on Syama free milling ore.

    A ramp up of the exploration programme around Syama in Mali continues to deliver excellent results.
    In Tanzania a new discovery at Kavsav, only 8km from Golden Pride, is now being systematically drilled out.

    SBM (St Barbara Limited) – $0.275 $426m
    SBM Website

    St Barbara is an Australian gold producer and mineral explorer. St Barbara’s key assets include its Southern Cross and Leonora Operations, both of which are located in Western Australia. Mineral Resources of 9.4 million ounces of gold including Ore Reserves of 2.6 million ounces of gold as at 30 June 2009, as well as an extensive landholding comprising granted tenements and tenement applications of approximately 14,000 square kilometres.

    The Leonora operations comprise the Gwalia 1.2 Mtpa processing plant and Gwalia underground production and development as well as nearby development opportunities. St Barbara's Gwalia gold mine was successfully commissioned in October 2008. Gwalia is the cornerstone asset for St Barbara with a mine life exceeding nine years and high grade mineralisation below the current reserves, open pit development.

    The Southern Cross operations comprise the Marvel Loch 2.4 Mtpa processing facility, the Marvel Loch underground mine, nearby open pit operations and other development opportunities. The Southern Cross operations have produced between 155,000 -171,000 ounces for each of the last three years.

    The Marvel Loch (Southern Cross) and Gwalia (Leonora) underground mines are the central building blocks to grow production.

    The Company is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ticker symbol SBM), the Singapore Stock Exchange and is a founding member of the Australian Gold Council.

    In addition to the two Western Australian gold producing operations, the corporate office is based in Melbourne, Victoria, with an operations support team based in Perth.

    SGX (Sino Gold) – $6.55 $1,998m
    SGX Website

    Sydney-based Sino Gold Mining Limited is focussed on gold exploration and mining in China.

    Sino Gold's flagship operation is the Jinfeng Gold Mine which has Mineral Resources containing 5.0 million ounces and Ore Reserves containing 3.2 million ounces. Jinfeng is China's second largest gold mine and is now producing gold at annualised rate of approximately 180,000 ounces of gold per annum.

    The Company's White Mountain Gold Mine commenced commercial gold production in January 2009 and is expected to ramp-up to planned gold production of 65,000 ounces per annum over the course of 2009. With Mineral Resources of 1.2 million ounces and Ore Reserves of 0.8 million ounces, White Mountain has a mine life of more than 10 years.

    In April 2009, Sino Gold's Board of Directors approved the development of the Company's third mine at Eastern Dragon - a high-grade deposit that is forecast to produce an average of 90,000 ounces per annum at approximately US$125/ounce for the first five years of operation.

    Sino Gold continues to assess the potential of the Beyinhar Project to be developed into an open-pit, heap-leach operation.

    With very active gold exploration and acquisition programs, Sino Gold is very well placed to build on its success to date in China - the world's largest gold producing country.

    EDIT : Under merger negotiations with Eldorado Gold

    SLR (Silver Lake Resources) – $0.885 $115m
    SLR Website

    Silver Lake is a gold producer with 1.5 Moz JORC resources in highly prospective regions including Mount Monger and the Murchison goldfields of Western Australia. Silver Lake has a clear strategy to build a disciplined and high margin gold business producing from multiple mines in multiple mining centres.

    § Total resource base of 9,610,900 tonnes at 4.8 g/t Au for 1,473,100 oz
    § $15 million exploration campaign
    § Significant exploration potential over a large land holding that is under explored at depth and has not been subjected to modern systematic exploration techniques

    TAM (Tanami Gold) – $0.066 $237m
    TAM Website

    The Tanami region is the most isolated gold province in Australia with a gold endowment of past production and current resources of more than 11 million ounces. It hosts the world class Callie deposit and several smaller 0.5-1.0 million ounce deposits including Tanami Gold's Coyote-Bald Hill operations. Despite the exciting potential of the province to deliver more of these significant stand alone gold deposits, the area remains largely unexplored.

    Tanami Gold NL's gold operations are located approximately 30 kilometres west of the Western Australia-Northern Territory border. The Coyote mine once seen as a "narrow vein gold deposit" is proving to be anything but that with mining revealing mineralised zones up to 5 metres wide and in deeper diamond drill holes, widths to 10 metres. Grades over these widths have averaged around 7-12 grams per tonne Au. The Company is currently in the early stages of developing the main Gonzales lode underground and the P2 ore-body in the open pit is planning to initially target 50-70,000 ounces per annum.

    Tanami Gold has a workforce of highly experienced and committed personnel that is well supported by their corporate and technical office in Perth WA. The Company's large tenement landholding which covers some 26,000 square kilometres is seen by many as being one of the most exciting exploration provinces in Australia, protected by its isolation yet with an overall gold endowment supporting the potential for this area to host more +1 million ounce deposits.

    TLM (Talisman Mining) – $0.74 $70m
    TLM Website

    Talisman Mining Ltd is an Australian exploration company with key interests in Iron Ore, precious and base metals in the northwest of Western Australia.
    Talisman is managed by a team of professionals in mineral exploration, mining and corporate management.

    The Company is:
    continuing its evaluation of the Wonmunna iron ore project, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia;
    assessing and evaluating its extensive other exploration projects which are prospective for iron ore, gold and base metals; and
    continuing to evaluate other suitable opportunities as they become available.

    TRY (Troy Resources) – $2.14 $157m
    TRY Website

    Troy is a dividend paying junior gold producer with operations at Sandstone in Western Australia and the Andorinhas Gold project in Para State, Brazil.

    Troy has forged a proven record of fast-track mine development, low cost operations, strategic acquisitions and exploration discoveries, which combined with a strong commitment to health and safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility, has seen Troy produce ~410,000 ounces of gold at an average cash cost of US$201/0z over 4 years from 2004 through 2007.

    Troy is positioned to continue its path of strong growth and profitable operations and is well on track to achieve its vision of becoming a highly profitable mid-tier gold producer with a portfolio of quality long-life assets and the recent acquisition in May 2009 of the Casposo gold-silver deposit in Argentina.

    Troy has a strong commitment to exploration, spending over A$10 million annually, with the current focus being gold and iron ore exploration at the Andorinhas Project in Brazil. Troy maintains a robust balance sheet, and existing mines are forecast to continue to generate strong cash flow.

    At a glance:
    § proven track record of delivery – developed five mines in 10 years.
    § produced ~410,000 ounces of gold at an average cash cost of US$201/0z from 2004 to 2007.
    § healthy financial position - over A$35 million in cash and liquid investments as at 30 June 2009.
    § aggressive growth strategy - significant land positions in Australia, Argentina and Brazil with an active exploration budget of A$10 million combined with strategic investments which provide alternative growth options

    TTR (Tectonic Resources) – $0.064 $18m
    TTR Website

    Listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, Tectonic is a West Australian-based resources company focused on developing its 100% owned Phillips River Project located near Ravensthorpe in southern Western Australia. Phillips River hosts a rich inventory of gold, silver and base metals, which are the target of Tectonic's exploration and evaluation activities.
    With a highly prospective, untapped location at Phillips River and a Board and management team of experienced and determined mining-industry professionals, Tectonic is well placed to realise returns for shareholders.
    Tectonic has already proven its ability as a producer in the region, having successfully mined the RAV 8 nickel deposit in the Ravensthorpe area until the reserve was exhausted in 2007.

    WGR (Westgold Resources) – $0.46 $85m
    WGR Website

    Westgold Resources Limited is an Australian Securities Exchange listed gold and base metals exploration company (code WGR). Its principle focus is on exploring and developing a new mineral field at its Rover Project near Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory.

    At Rover the Company has a large 12,000 square kilometre land holding, including temement applications, which includes three advance prospects, Explorer 108 (Zinc, Lead and Copper), Rover 1 (Gold and Copper) and Explorer 142 (Gold and Copper). The Company is the first in 25 years to obtain access to conduct exploration at these highly mineralised prospects.

    Westgold acquired the Rover Project as a result of its take over of Navarre Resources Pty Ltd in late 2006 and since then it has seen significant changes in its management and share structure.

    In addition to its exploration projects, Westgold hold a significant stake (42%) in Aragon Resources Limited which has an extensive portfolio of gold, uranium and nickel tenements located in Western Australia.

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