more than a tad sensitive are we Marum to getting pinged with...

  1. 9,186 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 506
    more than a tad sensitive are we Marum to getting pinged with some home truths.

    who know, perhaps i over-generalized. Could the climate change denier reality actually be strong independent free thinkers, forensically weighing their empty pseudoscience and coincidentally concluding their fake news and climate fictions are best served by attacking anyone who dares to undertake basic climate research or disseminate it.

    i doubt the random coincidence. Rather you've all been worded up on what bad boys Al Gore, Tim Flannery, Michael Mann etc are, and what a bad girl the courageous Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg is.

    the climate change denying clique all sing from the same songsheet, thoughtfully provided by fossil fuel producers through outlets such as News Corpse, and its Fox news and Sky tv units.

    you know you're right Because You Said So.

    and there, perhaps in the form of Marum et al, is why Australia is going nowhere.

    if one has the humility to recognize that one isn't omniscient (even with internet access) and that one accepts well established science, such as AGW and climate change, then by Marum's measure you're a fanatic. Who is then invited to lie doggo as deniers wreck the joint in plain view. Talk about bizarre

    climate change deniers: bringing their scorched earth battle plan into the twenty first century.

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