SILVER 0.30% $15.25 silver futures

The great asx silver stock shortage

  1. 13,176 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    The current setup for the tiny number of listed silver stocks on the ASX reminds me of the great fertilizer stock bull run of 2007.

    1. Underlying commodity pops.
    2. Punters realise they want in.
    3. Research turns up but 2 or 3 stock options.
    4. Mob does research.
    5. Mob rushes to the musical chair seats.
    6. SPs move explosively because of lack of liquidity to accomodate volume of money looking for a home of expsoure.

    And just wait until the foreign investors arrive licking their wounds on exiting Mexico focussed stocks.

    This is a very exciting setup for the few listed Australian located silver deposit holders.
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