Trying to explain to a believer why a person might choose to be...

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    Trying to explain to a believer why a person might choose to be an atheist is difficult, especially when you only have access to one person’s case and reasoning.

    Luckily, one of the greatest philosophers of modern times can help explain the situation. Bertrand Russell’s reasons for atheism

    Helping us today is Bertrand Russell, a Welsh philosopher, aristocrat, and atheist. His work covers every field of philosophy except for aesthetics, and his work in logic was extremely noteworthy...

    to prevent any theological technicalities from stopping him from being one [ a christian]. He argues that only two details are of great importance: that a person has a belief in God and immortality, and that they believe that Jesus Christ was at least the best and wisest of men. All other details are disregarded, as you must first hold these two beliefs to make the rest relevant.He deals first with several arguments for God’s existence, some of them very famous. He points out that all of them have rather glaring flaws.

    The first cause argument

    This argument is simple; it maintains that since everything must have a cause, there must be a first cause to start everything else. This first cause is God and is exempted from needing a cause itself. Russell points out that if we can decide that one thing doesn’t need a cause, we have no reason not to say the world itself wasn’t the thing without a cause.

    Mr Gordon, do you want to read the rest?
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