the great homosexuality vs pornography debate, page-7

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    the Xians seem to love the sneaky peek at the porn

    Is it wrong for a christian to watch porn?
    Boo asked 5 months ago last updated 1 month ago

    Was originally asked on Yahoo Answers New Zealand

    I have been raised in a christian home and have consider myself to be a christian my whole life. I have been at university for about 6 months and it is the first time i have been away from home. At home we had limited access to a computer for reasons such as porn, even thought ive never searched for it and have always been against it. But when i went to uni i had to get my own laptop. I never looked for porn and never had any intention to but as most of you would know (which i didnt) porn ads can sometimes pop up onto the screen. The first few times it happened it quickly removed the ad, but everytime it happen and the more i saw the harder it became to do. About 1 month ago i gave in and started watching porn and i havent stopped, i watch it everyday. I knew it was wrong and told myself everytime i wouldnt do it again but i couldnt control myself. I found it really exciting and i wouldnt even always masturbate to it, sometimes i would just watch it and i enjoy that to. Obviously the biggest issue i had was the it was against my religion but also it was against my personal belief about porn. Also i only watch lesbian porn as i found straight porn to be really abusive and demeaning to women and i found it to be a real turn off. I found lesbian porn and solo porn to be less demeaning and even slightly empowering to women, in the sense that they are saying you can look but you cant touch. I realize though that maybe that is just hat i tell myself to justify watching lesbian porn. But either way i get disgusted my straight porn but find lesbian porn really sexy. But another issue that this brought up is that is that as a christian i believe homosexuality is a sin, and i have always opposed gay marriage. This made me feel very hypocritical that i oppose the right for 2 women to get married but then go home and get off too 2 women having sex. I also have made some gay friends at uni and they have debated with me about gay marriage and homosexuality. At first i was stubborn and refused to budge from my beliefs but then after i started watching porn and feeling guilty i actually listened to the points that they made and realized that they were are right, that even if i disagree with something i have no right to push my beliefs on someone else. When i told them that i agreed and supported gay marriage they were all really nice and forgave me even thought i had been completely ignorant. This revelation lead me to question my faith and what i really believed. I discovered that my faith was more of a religion/culture that i had grown up in and felt comfortable in than an actual belief that i held. I know that sounds stupid but i think the trust that i felt was in my family and the church rather than my faith. I now dont know what i believe but the evidence points towards evolution rather than creation but i still consider myself a christian and still live and believe in the morals of christianity and enjoy being part of the church but not sure if i 100 percent believe in creation. The only thing that i do that is against the morals of christianity is watch porn. So my question is do you think it is okay for me to continue being a christian and being part of the church but have and undecided faith (agnostic) and to watch porn. If you think that i need to choose one or the other i know that i will choose porn because it is more important to me at the moment and something im not prepared to give it up. So basically do you think it is reasonable that i continue being a christian and watch porn.

    Written By Luke Gilkerson
    Categories: Bible Studies, Lust - Fighting the Battle, Parenting the Internet Generation, Pastors and Church Leaders, Pornography Addiction

    Why are so many Christians addicted to porn?
    Posted on November 24, 2009 by Luke Gilkerson

    Fifty percent of Christian men and twenty percent of Christian women report being “addicted” to pornography. What are we to make of these staggering numbers? Many Christian groups, including Covenant Eyes, quote this statistic from the 2006 ChristiaNet survey, but what do these numbers mean?

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