This BB/X/Y generational stuff is a nonsense - something that...

  1. 1,694 Posts.
    This BB/X/Y generational stuff is a nonsense - something that the media has picked up on and run with in order to create tension between the 'new classes'. Fits perfectly within the blog-o-sphere as the younger battle it out with older, sling mud at each other - titillating reading, right?

    Everyone not born with a silver spoon in their mouth has had to battle to make their way up the property ladder - its always been part of life's unquestioned pursuits (almost an obligation)if you live in the western world.

    People these days are bombarded with financial news, investment opportunities, stock market tips, super schemes etc. Everyone is expected to have a degree of financial literacy if they are going to compete to get ahead. This is a new phenomenon and it crosses all 'generations'.

    That in itself is the bubble!

    Younger folk should relax and take after the BBs.
    Tune in drop out have lots of sex, protest, and generally enjoy life.
    Everything in life is fluid - it eventually finds its own level! :)

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