Greeting FriendsTHE GREAT JUDGEMENT DAY:Sermon by Byron...

  1. 247 Posts.
    Greeting Friends
    THE GREAT JUDGEMENT DAY:Sermon by Byron Spear
    Please note,this is audio only

    Here i a link to the question: Is God Particular

    Below you will find a link,to his other audio sermons,please take some time in your hectic lives,
    when all the world is and tremble.

    Byron Spears, (1912-2013),was crippled by polio and meningitis as a young man, and experienced a dramatic conversion later in life. Often called “the Walking Bible” for his legendary memorization of Scripture, keep in mind as you listen to these Spirit-filled sermons, he isn’t holding a Bible when he quotes the Word!

    I have provided direct links below this video.
    May God bless you and open your eyes and hearts so as many as listen and believe,no matter
    your faith and background,one day find yourselves living in the great eternal universe in a life with no end.

    Is is not worth a little of your time in the miserable world to have the chance to go and do what no man
    has done before,not like some star treck movie,or via warp seed space ships,but to just think of a planet
    or galaxy you wish to go to,to see a friend,or gather some ten tone rubies for the next house you plan to build,
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