From An excellent precis of what we see right here...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    From An excellent precis of what we see right here on HC...

    the great unhinging begins
    Possum Comitatus writes:

    With two country independents backing Julia Gillard, the Labor Party will now pass the only threshold needed in Australia to form government -- a majority on the floor of House. There is no other test, there is no other requisite, there is no other qualification needed to control the Treasury benches.

    But this constitutional reality will not stop some. Indeed, it merely marks the beginning of what will become a long festival of delusion, conspiracy and outright lies -- where its hysteria will only be surpassed by its grubby bitterness and its commercial exploitation.

    With so many having invested so much in the defeat of the Labor government -- including the leadership of what was once the respected national broadsheet of this country -- to be denied victory by political inches, leaving a fragile incumbent holding the most delicate of majorities and being reliant on a handful of cross-benchers representing ideologically discordant electorates, creates a result that will not be respected.

    What we will witness over the next 18 months or more is a great unhinging -- an orgy of hysterics that will far surpass the duplicity, dishonesty -- let alone the complete arsehattery -- that substituted for public debate on matters of government during the previous 12 months.

    The goalposts of what constitutes government legitimacy will be moved from the constitutional to the convenient, from the reality of the parliamentary majority to concocted nostrums about mandates to govern.

    Every policy and utterance the government or the Independents make will be creatively analysed, deliberately distorted and whose fabricated consequences will be shouted from the rooftops. This will not be an exercise in political analysis, but an infection of pathological political syphilis. It will not just be a campaign against the government, but one rolling, frenzied campaign after another, where each new contrived outrage will assume a greater level of mania than the last.

    The Independents will be targeted in a way they are probably not prepared for -- they will be demeaned, ridiculed and treated with contempt, where their honourable characters will be distorted into debased caricatures. The character assassination will be ferocious and their connection to their electorates will be serially brought into question, particularly from a group of ostensibly inner-urban media elites whose acquaintance with New England and Lyne extends no further than peering down from 10,000 metres as they fly between capital cities.

    But it wont just be the usual suspects here. There will be an angry that we havent seen for a long time, from a group of disgruntled political zealots.

    The Liberal and National parties have a profoundly successful ability at attracting a disproportional quantity of the most embittered, politically pungent elements of Australian society as supporters -- a dark, angry, belligerent underbelly that believes the only acceptable outcome of any political contest is the one they believe in
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