The Gulf Country ----A National Disgrace, page-72

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    A European culture such as the Irish has too many points of difference to make valid comparisons with aboriginals. Here are some:


    The Irish have a long history of interaction with other European cultures and as a result their values are based on Christianity and a relatively cold climate, causing them to identify less with their  environment.


    The aboriginals evolved their culture in relative isolation in vastly different environment that‘owned them’ and as result their world view was almost unfathomable to whites.It took missionaries decades of close contact with aboriginals to begin to understand they had creation myths and a well-developed sense of spirituality.


    The Irish experienced a similar history to Europeans except for the influence of the Romans, and as a result the Irish would be free-thinking compared to aboriginals who would think and act is a clearly defined and predictable manner.


    The aboriginals had tribal laws that were deeply embedded in their psyche. Tribe members had to undergo a painful initiation, but that meant they were protected if they killed someone for a transgression.


    When a white broke their law such as attempting to have sexual relations with their females,then a violent response was inevitable. Note: the whites could negotiate sexual relations with aboriginal women who belonged to the men, but if they did not honour their promise after having the women, then again violence ensured.


    There would be dozens of points of difference between the Irish—people who were entering the industrial revolution compared to stone-age Australian aboriginals.


    The aboriginals were not focussed on the future as you said about the Irish.

    The natives seemed blissfully happy--- as recorded by whites when first contact was made. The reason for that I suspect the natives were ‘living in the present’ as there was no need to do otherwise. They had been hard-wired to think like that after some 50,000 years of interaction with their environment.


    The first day of Southern Cross celebrations—Ginan Day --- are deliberately orientated to reflect on the past as there is a blind spot displayed by most Australians regarding how the aboriginal cultures were almost destroyed. How many are aware of the works of Lawson, let alone the early interactions of whites and natives.


    In time however I expect the Gina Day celebrations will become forward looking as new generations of people of aboriginal descent become involved in the Southern Cross Celebrations that will be the norm after several decades. People should not expect an instant improvement—societies have inertia that needs time to heal.

    No amount of ceremony or gestures or awards or marches or speeches or fireworks or dances,can ever substitute an innate burning desire for upliftment. That has to start at the absolute grassroots level, with unrelenting diligence, study, focus and passion.

    That will happen with the aboriginals, but due to 200 years of treatment as second-class citizens, patience and tolerance will be needed.


    Last edited by RedCedar: 04/02/19
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