the High Court Reasons, page-24

  1. 8,300 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 84
    How do you turn back planes loaded with travellers carrying tourist visas. What about genuine tourists and aussies travelling home....turn them around??. They look like bona fide tourists armed with accommodation bookings in Cairns, Sydney and Uluru. But they never go there..................first stop is the immigration dept. More than 90% of asylum seekers arrive by plane. Seat 1A on Qantas sure beats a leaky boat.

    Everyone makes out it is just so simple. Turn the plane around??, Deport them to a country that will not accept the flight?. Lets hope that country has no sovereign airspace we are violating.

    It is not that simple. Maybe our previous governments should have checked their visa applications better. Try flying into USA without them doing a thorough visa check.
    Last edited by oldbull26: 29/11/23
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