The Horse has Bolted, page-60

  1. 84,724 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "Actually it does - states locked people down within their own country."

    omg - the simplist of concepts have to be explained in detail

    there's a HUGE difference between stopping people leaving a state - to state and leaving Oz

    if a person moves from Qld to Vic or similar - then, the new state has the risk of a person coming

    simple so far???

    If a person leaves Oz - then, Oz isn't at risk - the nation they go to has the risk.

    For a person who is in Oz and is wanting to depart for OZ for a long period - perhaps permanent - there is ZERO risk to Oz --------------- Morrisons Iron curtain was as draconian as it can be.

    It's the same as the idiotic Abbott when he forced disabled pensioners to return to Oz from where they were living in some comfort Oz - mostly in SEA

    it was actually CHEAPER for Oz to have them living OZ - they got less payments, they didn't use Oz medical services, Oz pharmacies, Oz transport vouchers

    Abbott forced them to return ----------- pure control freak -------------- draconian thug - same as Morrison
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