I've been back to work now for a little over 16 mths after...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 245
    I've been back to work now for a little over 16 mths after sitting behind a computer at home for 3 years. I grew a lot from a intellectual perspective in respect to anything relating to the markets. Although accepted and generally respected I was always different from most of my work colleagues because of my inquisitive and ambitious nature. When I finally went back to work 16 mths ago what really hit me like a ton of bricks is not only how ignorant most of my colleagues are but how they have no desire to question or understand anything. As the financial situation in the states was fully unfolding last year you'd be flat out finding someone to talk to about it. The world was on the verge of a total economic collapse yet most gave it no attention. The common man cannot blame anyone other then himself when the pieces need to be picked up or suffer a lower standard of living when the corporate and political end of town either intentionally or unintentionally stuff it up. If the common man committed himself to understanding the system a little better the populous would vote in more competent and honest politician's and demand their sovereign wealth be protected in that particular situation. This is typical across all subjects that threatens to make them think on a deeper level. We hear of people power and so on but I believe its the intellects that run the show at the end of the day and understand the pyschi of each class. So we have a scenario where the masses generally live in their suburban ignorance and we have the other end of town which are intelligent, ruthless, corrupt and short sighted.

    That's a clear recipe for disaster!
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