the ignorant right, page-22

  1. 17,384 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 197
    I would like to see the creation of a developement bank that would try and harness this lost talent for sure.What you are saying is quite correct .There is alot of things for startups but nothing realy gets it leg over for some of the big stuff.I once did a small bussiness program and in that they said about one in 20000 will go onto being something that creates real wealth for a country. Goverment workers have laid down the foundations for many an industry the problem with goverment workers now may very well be they are just in ticket tape jobs without creating competion and industry assistance in infrastructure and do not have the mangagers to be able to run large workforces.Why? Maybe its because just because much of what you said is the big end of town will pay more for gaining a goverment worker than the goverment can pay.It is a circle and red tape will bog you down.Id like see goverment enter more into the competion of fund management banking etc like it had before where price control for internal revinue streams was regulated by a bussiness along side another.But that is seen as not being free enterprise but the controls were there.If you wanted control insurance banking etc just lower your rate the bussiness would come the same as the cartels do when there is no competion. . Beats me why the goverment does not have its own petrol stations petrol refinery and oil well?Other countries can do it but its not seen as free enterprise that comes after the foundations are put in by goverments.Like you say no one is going to do it while we dont have vision.I could quite possibly see goverement having to back industry its sold because it will shrink also as its own lazy managers and good inovators lose sight of long term planning for a country not money.The nbn for what its its worth is a sign that goverment also gets fed up with seeing its privatised bussiness shrink in market share vision and gouges its citizens for lower service provision. . Downsizeing operations for short gains while taking home fat checks and share portfolios and insisting its goverments fault things are not going well?Some things should never fall into private hands as they wont work with out monoply to provide for industry to compete fairly and grow.The size of our population creates a distorted view of priceing and markets sometimes and well with a bigger population you sacrfice alot in the way of lifestyle versus market size and the ability to run a country in private bussiness being the major owners of infrastucture every one uses.We also lose the power to vote or legislate as a community against unfair service provision.If the cba went out of control with intrest rates before its quite possible the goverment would have lost its seat the next election .example only but im sure people would love to be able to vote now against some of the companies we privatised.Most of the things the goverment gives for assistance just get gouged for the money and the price rises the level of assistance .Im sure they get fed up about this but know its for the better in the long run it returns some money to something along the way.Id hate to pay a toll on everything but thats how it will work with private enterprise running it and how its heading.imo The new powers for shareholders to vote may get a bit of that back but the insitutions have the power anyway.We need to value add how to do that without regulation ? Goverment entering into the value added free market side of things and producing something of a product to sell without having to be gouged for doing so.You could subject export goods used in local manufacturing to be gst free and slip the gst onto the export product raw material.Im not sure if export companies claim the gst they get charged for services needed to do to carry out there bussiness.This carbon thing has me intersted in how it will pan out on things like this with value adding.
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