SGH 1.79% $45.47 sgh limited

The inconvenient truth, page-3

  1. 13,316 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 168
    Long post - and have not really read to much other than I suppose picking up this stock is a speculative trading stock at present. If that what being said - yep agree that it is and gees what a great trading stock. Personally dangerous at this point to be entering major long or short positions at this point as news could come out any day in March which could go either way. Still prefer the long trades for short trading opportunities than shorting the stock as if sniff of good news could multi-bag (well over $1 plus) whilst if one sees how far from zero this stock is not so much leeway.

    The whole situation on restructure proposal and bank support for this restructuring proposal short term catalyst for this stock. Bullish will sort it out but won't hold core holding to bet on a binary outcome, but rather trade the fun leading up to that.
    Last edited by elit: 10/03/16
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Mkt cap ! $18.50B
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$46.30 $46.30 $45.29 $8.363M 183.6K

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2 1400 $45.47

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Price($) Vol. No.
$45.62 24 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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