You may have seen an ad from The Australia Institute — a...

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    You may have seen an ad from The Australia Institute — a far-left "think tank" fronted by Paul Keating's former Cabinet secretary Michael Keating — concerning government spending and your taxes.
    The ad, an open letter to PM Malcolm Turnbull, gets one thing right: the government is spending beyond its means and it cannot be sustained. But the solution they propose is beyond the pale — instead of calling on the government to reign in wasteful spending, they want you to foot the bill for its irresponsibility!
    In fact, they say flat out that Australians "need to pay more taxes."
    This isn't just a proposal that rewards politicians' reckless behavior — it's an absurd punishment to hardworking Aussies.
    It's simple — Australians deserve lower taxes. We don't deserve to be punished by having even more of our hard-earned dollars taken to support a government that has so recklessly spent far beyond its means.
    Below is the ad that we'll be running. Give it a read and help us get it published!

    Australians Deserve Lower Taxes​

    An Open Letter to All Hard Working Australians
    Data, properly interpreted, from the OECD, IMF, and World Bank confirm what Australians already know. The government takes too much of our money. Income tax, GST, forced superannuation, excise taxes, property taxes and stamp duty – the list goes on and on. The government takes a greedy bite out of every paycheck we receive and every dollar we spend.
    Any debate about tax reform should begin by acknowledging that we own what we earn, and any fair and decent society must respect that.
    Politicians and government bureaucrats receive luxurious salaries, and spend their time finding new ways to squander our money. Yet they cry out that the problem isn’t their careless spending, but that we aren’t paying enough taxes. Enough is enough.
    Thanks to bracket creep, we already pay more and more income tax every year. The median Australian worker will be slugged with thousands of dollars of additional taxes as political inaction forces them into ever higher tax brackets.
    It doesn’t stop there though. We pay over a hundred different taxes to federal, state, and local governments. Payroll taxes are just income taxes by a different name. GST increases the cost of virtually everything we buy. Stamp duty and property taxes make it even more difficult for the average Australian to own a home. Families buying a mid-range car big enough for the kids will get hit with the deceptively named ‘luxury’ car tax, not to mention the ever-increasing excise on fuel. Even the taste of a cool drink at the end of a long day is tainted by some of the highest alcohol taxes in the world.
    Obviously, we all want to keep important government services strong and efficient. But there is plenty of fat to trim.
    The government needs to stop looking for more ways to pick our pockets, and start cutting wasteful spending, and our taxes along with it.

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