Good morning all.But first, I am almost sorry RED Team as to...

  1. 211 Posts.
    Good morning all.
    But first, I am almost sorry RED Team as to what I am about to write, as it is the truth from the past, that now has caught up on your RED Leader Team.

    This is the past, the truth, the history of how a krudd and his pet goose, opps, sorry again, his pet Swan operate, their level of skill or lack of it, at understanding the needs for a State and the people who live there, all the time, unlike the krudd and goose who run away and don't look back.

    Sometime back in Queensland there was a change of Government which introduced Wayne Goss as the leader for all living in the State.

    His right and lefthand men (very left), his helpers and planners and then leaders of the Premiers Office were Krudd and Swan.

    And the first things they introduced were,
    (this is the best, even Police laugh about it)
    they the Krudd and Goose Team introduced

    Police Stations that are open for business, from 9 to 5pm, just like any other shop.
    Yep, crime and help stops at these Police Stations after 5pm.
    They are not open on Saturday or Sunday nor are they on Public Holidays.

    Not, as much as you think this is a silly joke it is the truth, even for people who a Police Station in an area of 10,000plus people it is the sad truth.

    And some Reds want the Krudd and Goose team to run Australia, your joking !

    And then we can talk about joining Shires, and as a result some rate payers in some Shires have to travel 400ks to see the Shires office,, another Krudd and Goose good idea, NOT.....!

    Then we have water.
    The clever RED boys and the Goose that could be a Swan or is it the other way around ?
    Decided to save money and be clever and thought it was smart to NOT BUILD any more water storage dams in SEQueensland one of the fastest growning areas in Australia.

    Result, the Wolftene Dam was never built, and as a result SEQ now has a monster water supply problem, Thanks Kruddy, your smart BUT you ran away to Canberra, you didn't stay here, did you !

    Oh, I almost forgot, we have the Railway mess, and we have the Hospital mess, again, trash left behind after the Red Team of Krudd and Swan.

    Again, RED Team, I am truely sorry, for exposing your leader's past, their history in Government and their skills or lack of them.

    But, maybe you could have selected a better pair to represent your team, ones without a mess of failures left behind them that are so easy to expose.

    Them we must consider,
    Why ?
    Why are the Krudd and Goose team allow to run a team thats a Union team ?
    Why these two as leaders ?
    Why wouldn't the Union be leading the Team.
    When the Union have put the dollars up to these two people ?
    When will they be remove and replaced with Union Leaders ?

    Sorry, REDS for all the hard questions and exposing your RED leaders.

    GM, maybe your better in the garden after all.
    Kind regards and almost love to most
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