the krudd and goose history, page-13

  1. 1,516 Posts.
    At a federal level what have the Libs done to improve Water/Hospitals/Education & Policing?

    Libs have been riding the wave of the mining boom, besides that what good have they actually done in the past 11 years?

    I'm struggling to find a single positive.

    We've had inhumane treatment of refugees.

    Involved in an INVASION of another country increasing the terrorist threat to our own.

    Largely neglected the the terrorist threat from Afghanistan.

    Introduced tax reforms know one knew they were voting for.

    Introduced Work Choices know one knew they were voting for.

    Blew $7billion on crap super hornets jets which puts our air force and defense at risk just to please the Americans

    Ignored Global Warming warnings.

    And haven't taken responsibility for the interest rate rises but have taken credit for the booming economy.
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