the krudd and goose history, page-47

  1. 211 Posts.
    Dear Watso.
    'uncle barry
    suggest that you read my post
    i talked about "present queensland politics"
    that stuff about lewis etc was not made up - it was all over the front pages day after day - the fitzgerald enquiry (or some other enquiry) - which from memory started of with some 4 corners story - and watso is a 4 corners watcher. all that stuff that came out, was sensational stuff - and it sticks in the mind

    the name farquheson rings a bell - but was he from qld, or maybe he was from nsw"

    Dear Comrade, lets look at what you have witten, shall we,
    'i talked about "present queensland politics"
    Oh dear me, you are slow like all the REDS, that want things changed back to the 50's.

    The time you are/were talking about, with the rotten Police and court dealing in Queensland was about 20 odd years ago, hardly present time.

    Maybe you are confused and thinking of Victoria ?

    'that stuff about lewis etc was not made up.etc'
    You for once in your life you are 100% correct,
    Mr Lewis was not elected, he was the Policeman in charge of all other Police in Queensland.
    If you have a problem, surely it must be against the Police and surely not the elected persons of the State of Queensland.

    'the name farquheson rings a bell - '
    Oh, silly you, you must know very little in the day to day working of the States of Australia, no wonder you think that if the REDS and Commies come to power its all goodie stuff for you,
    Mr Farquhson was a NSW person, and
    to do with Queensland.

    WITH all due respect and more care that you are showing me,
    I would suggest you take a rest from your work from the RED Team as the endless stress is really starting to show with the state of your confused mind.

    Kind regards, and matey you really should take more care of your health of your mind.
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