the Left launches into Denialism, page-45

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Tony Abbott told us publicly that Australian leaders, and Federal Parliament House, were mentioned, inferring "target" status - in (quoting Abbott) - intra-terrorist "chatter" picked up - but he;s only our Prime Minister - so suppose he's just making it up - and all those Federal Police now taking over Parliament's security have only been placed there on the basis of some old woman's gossipy ramblings?

    Honestly, it isn't right really! (My tongue firmly in cheek!)

    This SECRECY!!! Of ASIO, and the AFP - they should produce transcripts of every word picked up on these telephone and other communicatory intercepts - and publish the content daily, in our newspapers - keep the vinegary Christine Milne, and SHY - and bumbler cut and paste Lambie - Tony Jones - and Leigh Sales - The Drum Leftist harpies - the whole ABC Leftist brigade - fully informed!
    Terrorists usually get better results with an element of suprise - but never mind - let's tell everyone what they intend! More democratic.
    ABC/Fairfax. Gives them all something to do - they can pretend they have a hard job - their endless, ruddy BORING analysis - of the cat's behind - all to keep themselves in cushy jobs, for as long as possible.

    Gosh, in radio only days - people did well, without them! (This constant, belligerent YAPPING of the Left!)

    Never mind about national security! Out with it, AFP!.
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