the left-wing press exposed...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    As the press of the world line up to do what they do best..............make mountains outta molehills and undermine the Wests's govt's... least one small win for the good guys.

    and the BBC is one of the worst!

    The Sun reported last night it had spoken to a source who had read the conclusions of the long-awaited report by Lord Hutton, which was distributed to key players yesterday amid heavy security.

    Lord Hutton criticised the BBC for its role in the Kelly affair, saying it had used a "defective" editorial system but he did not demand any changes in the way the Government or BBC operated, The Sun said.

    BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan had exaggerated comments by Kelly, who had told him that the Government's pre-war dossier on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction contained questionable material.

    Gilligan's bosses and the BBC board of governors were criticised for defending Gilligan's report without investigating it, and for "failing to give proper and adequate consideration to whether the BBC should publicly acknowledge that this very grave allegation should not have been broadcast".

    Gilligan and the BBC have already admitted those mistakes.

    Lord Hutton concluded that the Government had no "dishonourable, underhand or duplicitous strategy" to leak Kelly's name to the press and had simply decided not to conceal the name, a disclosure which was eventually followed by Kelly's suicide.

    Even the Defence Ministry, where Mr Hoon was widely expected to be the political fall-guy for any criticism by Lord Hutton, was given only a mild rebuke for not informing Kelly that his name had been confirmed to journalists.

    But Lord Hutton also criticised Kelly himself for giving unauthorised briefings to the press.

    Finally, Lord Hutton denied the Government's dossier on Iraq's weapons had been "sexed up" and said it had not been improper for intelligence chiefs "to take into account suggestions made by (Blair's staff) and adopt those suggestions if they were consistent with the intelligence available".
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