loopie....re: the legality of Do you ever read the stuff you...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    loopie....re: the legality of Do you ever read the stuff you post?

    Better yet do you ever engage that grey matter???

    You said....after a convoluted bleat.....

    "It's heartless, racist, redneck, fundamentalist nationalists morons like you who subvert this good reputation. Understand this: Bomb it a country creates refugees!"

    Fissrt up ya strange little fellow....the vast majoriuty of the good ol Australian people are right behind the way the govt stopped this rabble from entering OZ....so again (no surpise) you're totally out of step with mainstream Oz

    Secondly...that bit about the "bombing creating refugees"...

    ...that may well be the case but this little gold digger is from Iran and we didnt drop a single little ol cluster bonmb over there


    Outrageous this little gold-digger is sueing and better even...funded no doubt by the public purse.
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