the libs superior breed of cat dilemma

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    If the Liberal don't dump Abbott they may lose.
    If they dump Abbott, and make Turnbull their
    leader the Libs copy-cat Labor's power junkies,
    tarnish a Superior Breed of Cat image, and lose.

    So the Libs try to tart up the glory days of John Howard. But the
    glory days of the Howard government were ghastly and divisive.
    He introduced Work Choices to crush wages and enrich bosses.

    He got Australia into two American wars that produced wave
    after wave of terrified refugees who thought (as we didn't
    like Saddam and the Taliban and loved democracy) that
    Howard would accept them. What a ghastly mistake
    that was. Howard was a white Australia fanatic.
    He stopped the boats by replicating (in his
    prison camps) Saddam's and Taliban's
    hatred of democracy and had secret
    agents sabotage boats so they
    would founder, like SIEV-X
    did and drown hundeds of
    men, women and children.

    Even that didn't deter refugees from seeking asylum.
    They massed en route and quietly bided their time.

    The only way Abbott can stop the boats is by getting
    the Navy to sink them or by getting secret agents
    to sabotage them. Nothing less than genocide
    will work. Why say that? Listen to a smuggler
    about conditions in our vile prison camps:

    This is from a transcript from an ABC-TV interview:
    "Because those people can at least live there, right?
    They live there for 10 years, for 20 years, but they
    will live there. They won't be killed, they won't get
    bombed. At least they will survive, right?" he said.

    Domestic policies of the Australian government could
    not compete with the threat of death in places like
    Afghanistan and Pakistan that are the main force
    driving demand for people smuggling, he added.

    "They make the conditions difficult or they make
    anything like that, the policies like that, but at
    least they are not going to kill these people."

    Yet! Howard had secret agents do that.
    Only one (non-genocidal) plan will work.
    Planes would stop the boats and enable
    safe passage for refugees to a new
    life far from murder-mad regimes.

    Hence my proposal for people smuggling:
    Legalise it and tax it. That will save lives
    and convert a huge enforcement cash
    outflow into a revenue stream that
    is used on one 737 a day to bring
    100 refugees a day to Australia.
    (that's the number arriving now)
    vet them for terror or criminal
    links and resettle them and
    finance English courses.

    We accept 200,000 economic migrants per
    year now - if refugee numbers rise under
    my proposal (beyond the current 30,000
    a year) reduce the 200,000 so our
    resources won't be streteched.
    Stopping boats has priority
    over economic migrants.

    Prohibiting refugees (like prohibiting
    drugs) puts up the price and makes
    smuggling more profitable. But
    legalising people smuggling
    cuts the cost and provides
    a revenue stream to the
    Government, not to
    foreign smugglers.
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