of course but, that had nothing to do with my question - who...

  1. 88,158 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    of course

    but, that had nothing to do with my question -

    who thinks that going nuclear - which would be on the ground in maybe 10 years - let's be optimistic here - maybe the tooth fairy does exist

    who thinks that nukes on the ground in 10 years will give them lower electricity prices??

    at any stage - ie. in the next year, in the next 10 years, in the 10 years after

    etc etc?

    I tell you what - if anyone thinks that nukes will give cheaper electricity - at all, inside the next couple of decades - then, they need to get a brain transplant

    by the time that nuclear power - 'in Australia' gave cheaper electricity -----

    we would be in flying cars and have some kind of magic bacteria in a little boiler out the back that makes electricity at night in our houses

    20 years - which IMO, is a pretty reasonable minimum for nukes in Oz (unless Ikea comes out next week with a click and pick up SMR) ----

    20 Years fwd takes us to 2044 ------- is there anyone who cannot see major++++ enouormous advances in power generation, transmission and storage etc.??

    and in that lot - for me. For domestic power - IMO that key in that lot is 'storage'

    we've got generation - it's done and dusted. If we can get better storage - then, I think it's game over.

    Can we get better storage? -------- I think it's a given. How much better? - I think we will probably have mind blowing multiples come along - via new material discoveries - perhaps even totally new concepts.

    How? -- most likely by AI - you can't up the rate of research 1000 times and drop the cost by 100 times and up the speed by a 1000 times and not get some ball knocking results

    And knowledge will be accumulative --------

    I was pro nuclear. I still am for where it is already set up.

    I'm not full on solar and wind and hydro. And I'm certainly not coal, oil, gas.

    But, I think that one has to be pragmatic and go from where one is at any time.

    And where I think we are - I think we should

    - up renewables (as we know them) as much as we can
    - fund the hell out of research for new ideas and new materials
    - take back gas - guarantee domestic supplies AND get cheap caps for that domestic supply - use gas to support renewables
    - and wait

    why? ------- because we are at the beginnings of the greatest knowledge and invention and innovation era in all of human and pre human history -

    and it's happening already in baby steps - and IMO - by the time something big and expensive like nukes hit the ground - IMO - they will be obsolete
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