"ALP failing to offer up a genuine leader people can support"...

  1. 86,434 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "ALP failing to offer up a genuine leader people can support"

    sort of ------------- I would agree with you that albo isn't good vision

    the real problem with it for us as humans is that albo might be a very good PM

    no one would know until he was tried in the position -

    it, to me, is one of the greatest failings of humans - we pick our leaders because of how they look --------- god forbid - that's how we got a scomo --

    he's not a textbook look - that's certain - but, he doesn't look like an albo either - he's got a voice that, although not senatorial - just passes muster and a head like a rock on a stick - - whereas albo looks like a whimp

    but, - none of that matters really for performance

    as to actual substance --- what labor is offering up next time - is different to last - now they've dumped a couple of policies -

    and, that too is in the problem area for us as modern humans --

    the policies that were dumped - may well have been good for us -

    the problem is that once you have given the kiddies lollies - it's as hard as taking a bone away from the Rottweiler - to get em back

    remember Howards totally crap extra baby bonus payments - a dreadful idea - and, it took governments years to claw that away - including Liberal governments -

    everyone know it was a total crap idea - but, once that lolly is out there - it's difficult to retrieve

    It's a huge problem for Australia (and many other places) - the concept has created a race to the bottom for parties

    you come out with a crap idea - but, it puts some short term lollies in the pockets of the kiddies -

    then, the other mob have to go one better - more lollies - a bigger crap idea

    not good
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