"a supercilious Canadian who blames the chaos on American...

  1. 1,799 Posts.

    "a supercilious Canadian who blames the chaos on American "individualism."" says a disgusting spin doctor.

    The truth is precisely one of individualism.

    While many good hearted souls can be seen to be doing selfless tasks, showing decency and helping the weak, it is the overwhelming greedy packs of marauding militia and crazed individuals scurrying around with guns and making their own rules on the run that is the true shame on the sort of society they have grown up in in the US of A.

    This greedy individualism goes all the way up to the President with denying the weak, not helping, no decency, ....... it is really disgusting. Our little piece of rubbish pm is in there too as he is mates with the shrub but forgets about our ozzie mates trapped in this mess.

    The US of A needs a good dose of social responsibility instead of whatever little voice speaks to them in their own dangerous, devouring, rapacious, gulping, individual minds.
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