"The people believe that Rudd should have another go after...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "The people believe that Rudd should have another go after having been taken down by his own party.
    Something in the psyche of us?"

    I think it is more a matter of desperation from the few remaining labor/green/union-boss socialist alliance supporters and the union-bosses...

    Rudd seems to have promised that by lies, deception and media smoke-screens he can dupe enough extreme low-IQ voters to keep the labor party as a viable player in the political scene and avoid the coming massive election slaughter/wipeout that was coming with Gillard as puppet-PM...

    I doubt that the union-bosses actually believe the current media hype that the current government has any chance at holding government in the coming election, but the expected massive labor wipeout can possibly be avoided with a replay of Rudd's Kev07 style campaign of deception and lies with full-spectrum-24-hour-drumbeat media dominance promoting Rudd alone rather than the labor party and a full-spectrum-24-hour-drumbeat-media campaign of personal destruction and negativity of Tony Abbott and the liberal party...

    The union-bosses obviously have decided that a good way to get the many useless union-thugs approaching expensive retirement off their payroll and onto the public payroll is to move them into politics and hold seats in the labor party...
    This strategy only works if labor holds a reasonable number of seats since there are lots and lots of useless union thugs to dump onto the public purse...

    A complete labor wipeout down to a handful of seats as has been projected wipes out the union-bosses thug-retirement-plan it would seem...

    Rudd seems to give the promise of salvaging enough labor seats for the union thugs to hold I would guess...

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