the modern lefty, page-6

  1. 436 Posts.
    wow! what a bunch of hyperbolic nonsense!

    any time I hear an American say something like,

    "how can you possibly live in the freest nation in the history of the world..."

    give me a break! There are hundreds of other countries who offer their citizens JUST as many freedoms as America!

    MANY countries offer their citizens significantly MORE freedoms.

    oh, and that thing he said at the start

    "so I grabbed my friends and said, "come on - let's help America", and they said "nah - she deserves it" "

    more B.S.

    there were tens of thousands of Americans that came out IMMEDIATELY after the attacks to help... I'm sure they were split about 50:50 left and right

    Anyone speaking in such vague generalities should be ignored
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