the most under-rated domestic pet, page-19

  1. 1,753 Posts.
    Got a bit slack with my rat baits in the chook shed and it started to smell "ratty" so I grabbed one of the child-proof plastic bait stations (like the pest controllers use) and prized the lid open to find a rat had made itself at home inside. I almost soiled myself. The next one was the same - even though I had bashed the proverbial outta it to make sure it was empty.

    The chook shed is the best rat trap ever but only if there's plenty of poison out for the little blighters.

    After the above experience we discovered an extended family of the little buggers living in the woodheap. I necked the chooks that weekend and invested in a very large amount of ratsak. I am vigilant now with the poison.

    The lady at the checkout near wet herself when I told her about the rat leaping outta the bait station.

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