"You know what's incredibly frightening to me......The rise of...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "You know what's incredibly frightening to me......The rise of the far right parties all over the world. The world is going to shit!"

    Disco Stu, you know what is incredibly frightening? The more a culture fails to assimilate, the more governments pander to a certain culture, the more people like yourself fail to acknowledge problems within that culture, the MORE the majority will start to push back.

    Have a good think Disco Stu, with multiculturalism being present in many western cultures for a number of decades, why NOW do YOU think there is a rise in far right parties????

    Could it be that every other culture has pretty much assimilated without expecting special treatment. I would really like to know how you see it as fair for a host nation to open their arms to a specific groups whilst that group notoriously fails to contribute to the society. They exploit the welfare system, overrepresent the population in crime, rapes, sexual assaults and then have the audacity to want to live by their own set of rules.

    It is people like you who excuse this beheviour and blame the host nation for not wanting to cop it. Then you and people like you claim the world is turning to sh.t because people are sick of it, but you call them the far right. You are right, the world is turning to s.it because countries don't have the balls to act on behalf of its citizens.

    DS, tell me this, with multicultaralism working for the most part over the past decades, why is it now that ONE culture of people should be treated any differently than any other group. You call people extremists because they think it is not fair because 75% of women in one group don't work and receive welfare, whilst 50% of men in that group in some countries don't work. Do you think that is a fair system??????

    I know you want respond to this because it is easier for you to stick you head in the sand and pretend the Muslim issue is a non-issue.
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