the nightmare that is the greens, page-71

  1. 11,416 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 350
    I believe the young have been taught that "man made climate change" as fact in Australian schools even though the jury is still out.

    Climate has varied widely in the history of planet, for instance the last ice age in which our distant relatives inhabited was only 20,000 years ago. Humans adapted to their environment and were very successful.

    We have a giant source of heating beating down radiation daily on this planet and it is called the Sun. There is scientific evidence that there has been an increase in solar radiation during the Industrial Revolution period which can account for some of the increase in temperature.

    Then we have massive volcanoes spewing out carbon dioxide, ash, sulfur and all sorts of other nasties, all the time around the planet.

    I am not saying that the burning of fossil fuels has not contributed to the slight increase in global temperature, but I find it interesting that the accepted terminology has changed from "global warming" to "climate change". Might I suggest that the climate is always changing as is has been at least for the past 20,000 years.

    I am more concerned about the the burning of fossil fuels as they are a limited resource and have a unique hydrocarbon structure that are suited to a vast array of uses.

    Perhaps this push away from fossil fuels citing "climate change" is a attempt to avoid peak oil, which would increase the cost of these fuels significantly without the benefit of using this additional profit for development of alternatives.

    Just something to ponder.

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