The Olympic Games, page-22

  1. 84,602 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    arrrh -------- now, an important subject. (for you, others might want to not read further) - hot dinners

    I have a secret. It is so so so secret that my gf didn't know about it and I doubt if many french know about it and I'm sure that zero americans know about it

    I've discovered 'the hamburger'

    bugger the traditional french fodder which I dearly love, bugger the aperitif habit, which I've come to dearly love but, my doctor has serious reservations about

    a couple of months back - the gf and I were in an award winning boulangerie - one that pops up in name in many places - including Paris, where I've more than once been in a conversation where they've been trying to work out where I was - but, the name gets pronounced differently in Paris and although it's a capital of an area - it's not known by all French - but voila -
    the magic of enlightenment comes by saying the name of the boulangerie
    they mightn't know the name of the city - but, they know that bakery, it's iconic

    anyway - we're in the queue and Pinto - always on the lookout for a hamburger bun that looks ok -------- spots 2 buns in the glass case - he's pretty familiar with this shop and has never seen such buns. So, the 'madame' buyer resistance is not in place this day - and we get the normal stuff - plus these two very different looking buns.

    I suspected that I wouldn't like them they had a look of a kind of bread the frogs do that I don't like - but, I'm into experimentation, so give it a got

    my god - we made up a quick hamburger ----- in expectation that it would be like, well - a hamburger.

    the gf made some mayo, which I'm assured, never fails and it didn't - anyway

    we sat, we both picked up our hamburger and took one bite - and got teleported to hamburger heaven ------ never ever ever ever have I tasted anything like it - it was the bun that was the difference (the froggie meat I use for hamburgers is always good - the mayo was great, etc etc) - but, the bun - that was the vehicle that carried it all.
    They had told us that these are only made to special order and they just happened to have two left over - which was what we go.

    So, yesterday - we went and placed an order - and they buns are born at 2 pm today --------- no prizes for guessing what's for dinner.

    Can't wait for the next American guests

    and no - maccas will never hear of it --------- only the americans could stuff up one of the finest foods on the planet
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