PSA 0.00% 2.1¢ petsec energy limited

the perenial bagger and a challenge, page-21

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    sushi 1
    To answer your question.....I don't hold any arq at present but have in the past going back a few years.
    Over the last 18 mths I have traded some but since the obvious downtrend started at about $1.90 or thereabouts ,it has been difficult to have any success with the sp falling constantly.
    I don't envisage getting back into arq until they have some decent drill results that the market is looking for.
    I guess success in the canning will be good for arq and likewise moonshine will be good for psa.
    Yes,psa has been very disappointing also but any success with the drills at moonshine should give the sp a big boost.
    If Moonshine fails,it will be time to get out quick,unless sentiment turns for the better beforehand.
    As for your history lesson, too tired to work out what your on about.
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