The Perennial Philosophy

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    My latest Aeon Newsletter contains this Gem, See above link.

    It is of particular interest to those who may have knowledge of Huxley, and were attracted to this Philosophy in our earlier years.
    In a way it has informed my own spiritual ‘pilgrimage’ still, even now I am over 80.
    The link is offered in the spirit of Inter-Pilgrim dialogue, which is probably more useful to myself rather than Inter-Religious Dialogue, this term was initially proposed by Ravi Ravindra.
    As for myself, I am a less frequent visitor to these pages, as I am rather content, but still like to read some of my favourite contributors.
    I offer links, extracts, and articles that I think of value to seekers, I have nothing “Personal’, or original to push or convince anybody of.
    I find debates or arguments or ‘fights’ a waste of time, too much ego involved.

    Go well and, happy Pilgrimage to all Seekers.
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