The perverted elites within the U.N.

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    StopUN Ideological Colonialism - Abortion is NOT Development (

    This is the Treaty UNelites don't want you to see.

    The UnitedNations is once again pushing a dangerous global agenda through its new Pact for the Right to Development dictating the conditionsfor international aid.

    Whatthey’re not telling you is that, hidden behind promises of “helping nationsgrow,” this treaty is designed to impose abortion on demand, radical LGBTideology, and even sexual indoctrination on impoverished traditionalcountries—countries that have always defended life, family, and faith.

    These arethe values you and I all care about, and they are directly under attack fromglobalist elites.

    If the UNsucceeds here it will set a worldwide precedent.

    This Treatywill be the first of its kind to mandate abortion, stripping developing nationsof their sovereignty and forcing them to adopt policies that go against theirdeeply held beliefs in exchange for much needed internationl aid.

    It’s anattempt to rewrite the moral fabric of societies that stand for life, all inthe name of “progress.”

    But you andI know another way is possible. True development means improving healthcare,fostering economic growth, and ensuring people can live in safety and dignity.It’s not about forcing radical ideologies on nations that refuse to give up onlife and family.

    What the UN is doing iscultural imperialism—using its influence and financial power to bullytraditional countries into submission.

    This ispersonal. If we don’t act now, the UN’s radical agenda will spread, and therewill be no place left where life and family are protected. But together, youcan stop this.

    Sign this petition todayto stand with the nations that value life, family, and faith.

    Demand that the UN HumanRights Council remove abortion and sexual “rights” from this treaty and protectthe right of every country to defend its own values.

    Don't letAfrica and developing countries be bullied by UN technocrats trying to trampleon their beliefs!

    Take ActionNow!

    TheUN is pushing a new treaty that forces abortion, LGBT ideology, and radicalsexual indoctrination onto traditional countries.

    Underthe guise of development, they’re attempting to strip nations of their valuesand sovereignty.

    Signthe petition now to stop this dangerous agenda before it’s too late!


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