IMHO the death toll in the lead up to the election of Arafat's...

  1. 1,432 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    IMHO the death toll in the lead up to the election of Arafat's successor could exceed the death toll in Fallujah. But as the lawless criminal gangs murder and terrorise their way to power, hopefully there will be less suicide bombers let loose on Israel and the West.

    ...and I don't believe their propaganda that there is an endless supply of willing 'martyrs' to strap on explosives - where were they all in Fallujah ???

    ...the longer proponents of this pieceful religion persist with this continuing barbarity, the more politically right will be the direction of politics in the West and democratically elected governments will become less and less tolerant of those who embrace Islam. Have a look at what's happening in Belgium and Holland. Calls for zero immigration ('we are full') and the immediate expulsion of illegal immigrants (without redress to law). Multi-culturalism is on it's way out and integration is the new catch-cry....and for those unwilling to integrate - expulsion.

    The West is increasingly rejecting this pieceful religion and it's followers - IMHO a perfectly natural reaction....

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