i had quite a lengthy conversation yesterday with a person who...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    i had quite a lengthy conversation yesterday with a person who is well connected in the media.

    owning electronic and print media in NSW amongst other things.

    we canvassed the views about these polls which consistently point towards a Rudd landslide/victory.

    and we came to the view these polls are the worst thing in the world for Rudd.

    we agreed Rudd would have been better served as underdog coming from behind and with a gradual paring back of the Coalition.

    Howard is revelling in his underdog status and Labor runs the risk in that the punters will view him ( Rudd) as over the line and will not need to vote for him and indeed might even vote the Coalition in some sort of sympathy vote.

    We both felt Labor has erred badly in this constant barrage of polling data.........and could be the very thing which could backfire badly on Labor

    Sure will be interesting to see the dissection of data after the poll as both sides will look to see what and where they went wrong.

    And to see if the musings of myself and my friend were on the money.
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