@pimply56It blows my head that anyone can currently support...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 200

    It blows my head that anyone can currently support Trump after they have perused his recent actions and future commitments.

    When it was a choice between Trump and Killery-Hillary it was a No-Brainer that Trump was the only choice ...................... but since he stepped into her shoes, it's quite obvious that he has shown his true colours and is Death on Steroids.

    The main problem that I can see is that MOST people want somebody else to do the heavy lifting, they want somebody else to fix the World, they want a Messiah like Entity to come and wave its magic wand and fix everything.

    Sadly most people don't realise that the only Messiah that will ever come into their lives is themselves..................... yeh, I know, that's a big let down

    I think things are going to take a big turn down as there's nobody worth voting for or relying on....................... and they are all a bunch of you know whats.

    My view is that Trump is like a dog (like a house pet that takes treats from and follows any stranger).

    If Trump was a sheep or cattle dog that did its work and didn't go on killing sprees, well you feed it and keep it.

    However, if it goes on killing sprees ................ simple ............... you shoot it.

    Then you just get a new and better dog................ it's not that hard.

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